Thursday, August 27, 2020
Religious Liberty Talk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Strict Liberty Talk - Essay Example Along these lines, for generally disseminated system of individuals, opportunity of religion turns out to be colossally significant issue. The article investigates the discourse of President Obama at the ongoing National Prayer Breakfast which was gone to by famous individuals across various fragment of society. Kathleen has reprimanded Obama who had ‘lamented disintegrating security of strict liberty’ over the globe’. She says that it is exploitative of Obama to discuss strict freedom when modules of human services changes of Obamacare are unmistakable in their infringement of strict freedom, particularly the prophylactic command. She battles that while plainly we might be supporting the issue, clandestine activities and decreasing redlines among state and religion has become significant concern. The author’s has appropriately carried the issue to the spotlight as Obama organization has received angry mentality with respect to strict freedom. The instance of Hobby Lobby and Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. Equivalent Employment Opportunity Commission are critical in their contrasting conclusions. In the later case, jury had consistently casted a ballot against the administration obstruction in the enrollment of priest in chapel. In fact, strict opportunity is naturally connected to vote based hypothesizes of American constitution that advance opportunity of activities and musings. By encroaching the strict opportunity of people inside a multicultural society, the administration is additionally damaging protected privileges of the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cosmetology free essay sample
Throated Dixie Throated Dixie brought the presentation of mental refuges and medical clinics for the intellectually debilitated. She supported poor people and wiped out individuals to show signs of improvement when they can. Since Throated Dixie has accepted this open door to help, it has changed the lives of numerous intellectually sick kids and grown-ups. Throated Lynda Dixie was conceived on April 4, 1802, in Hampered, Maine. She was the oldest of three kids, and her dad, Joseph Dixie, was a strict devotee and merchant of strict tracts who made Throated join and glue the tracts together, an errand she hated.Dixie had numerous admirers over her lifetime, and was quickly drawn in to her subsequent cousin, Edward Bangs, she never wedded. Along these lines she had no youngsters. Dixie worked intimately with Dry. Thomas Kiered, a Philadelphia doctor whose way of thinking for building and running emergency clinics to treat the crazy was known as The Kiered plan. The New Jersey State prank Asylum was the first Kiered Plan clinic to be manufactured; it is currently known as the Trenton Psychiatric Hospital. She filled in as Superintendent of Nurses for the Union Army during the Civil War.Throated Dies work uncovering and pushing for administrative changes in the conditions under which the intellectually sick were housed and offered drove wonderful changes. Penitentiaries and almshouses, where individuals experiencing dysfunctional behavior were housed one next to the other with crooks or poor people, offered approach to solely committed offices. Dixie s work brought about the establishing of thirty-two mental medical clinics or mental Institutions devoted explicitly to the consideration of the intellectually sick. Jails at the time were unregulated and unhygienic, with vicious hoodlums housed one next to the other with the intellectually ill.Dixie visited each open and private office she could get to, archiving the conditions she found with unfazed trustworthiness. She at that point introduced her discoveries to the assembly of Massachusetts, requesting that authorities make a move towa rd change. Her reports-?loaded up with emotional records of detainees whipped, starved, binded, truly and explicitly mishandled by their managers, and left bare and without warmth or sanitation-?stunned her crowd and traipsed a development to improve conditions for the detained and crazy. Life at the Dixie Mansion was amazingly not quite the same as Throated was acclimated to.Her grandma was well off and requested that Throated demonstration and have interests of an affluent young lady. Her grandma recruited a move educator and a needle worker to oblige Trochees individual needs. Be that as it may, Throated didn't need any of these things. At a certain point her grandma rebuffed her seriously when she was attempting to give food and her new garments to the homeless person youngsters who were remaining at their front door. At fourteen years old, Madame Dixie mentioned that her sister, who lived in Worcester, deal with Throated for some time and transform her into a woman. Mrs..Duncan, Madame Dies sister, consented to this since she was in every case exceptionally enamored with Throated. When she showed up at her distant aunties house Throated promptly assumed the job of youngster so she could come back to her siblings. Be that as it may, she was to remain with her Aunt for about four years. Trochees second profession started when she was thirty-nine years of age. In March of 1 841 she entered the East Cambridge Jail. She had elected to train a Sunday School class for ladies prisoners. After entering the prison she saw such appalling pictures that her life, starting there on, was changed forever.Within the bounds of this prison she watched whores, alcoholics, lawbreakers, hindered people, and the intellectually sick were completely housed together in unheated, empty, and noxious quarters (Vine Zurich, 1982). When inquired as to why the prison was in these conditions her answer was, the crazy don't feel warmth or cold. In the wake of seeing these conditions she quickly took the issue to the courts and after a genuine of fights at last won. Throated at that point continued to visit correctional facilities and almshouses, where the intellectually sick were housed, in different pieces of Boston and soon her examinations reached out over the whole province of Massachusetts.She made cautious and broad notes as she chatted with prison guards, overseers and townspeople. At long last she set up this information and formed a deliberately worded record to be conveyed to the Massachusetts lawmaking body. She included impact inside the assembly, since she Was old buddies with the representative. Also her shy introduction of her discoveries totally prevailed upon the authoritative board since her conviction was so ground-breaking. After a warmed discussion over the subject the material won administrative help and assets were set side for the extension of Worcester State Hospital.Trochees sees about the treatment of the intellectually sick were radical at that point. The prevalent view was that the crazy could never be restored and living inside their ghastly conditions was sufficient for them. Anyway Throated, just by bettering the states of the prisoners, indicated individuals that psychological sickness wasnt all serious. She expressed that some may express these things can't be helped, these enraged neurotics are not to be raised from these base conditions. I realize they are L could give numerous models. One such is a young lady who was or years a furious insane person fastened in a pen and whipped to control her demonstrations and words.She was helped by a couple who consented to deal with her in their home and gradually she recuperated her detects. Albeit Throated didnt know the psychological procedures that were happening inside these people she realized that improving their conditions wouldnt hurt them. Throated Dixie has been depicted as the best supporter of helpful change in American mental establishments during the nineteenth century (Golden, 1970). In any case, her accomplishments are just referenced in five of the present fifty-three reading material covering the historical backdrop of psychology.The reason given for this is she didn't add to our comprehension of the idea of mental issue. Nonetheless, she is just in of todays general history books. In spite of the fact that this may appear something difficult to understand Throated Dixie herself would have liked it as such. In her life, she was unnoticeable with her work without a doubt. She didn't put her name on the vast majority of her distributions. She would not have emergency clinics named after her. Articulations of commendation and appreciation for her work consistently created embarrassment.In later long stretches of her retirement she wouldn't discuss her accomplishments and needed them to rest peacefully. Should that quiet proceed? Since Throated Dixie has accepted this open door to help, it has changed the lives of numerous intellectually sick youngsters and grown-ups. Throated Dixie will consistently be known for presenting mental refuges and medical clinics for the intellectually wiped out. Her support helped the intellectually debilitated, yet in addition urged others to help as well. On the off chance that I am cold, they are cold; on the off chance that I am fatigued, they are troubled; if am distant from everyone else, they are deserted.
Aerobics class in london Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
High impact exercise class in london - Essay Example The reason for this paper is to discover openings accommodated the network to take part in donning exercises and which gatherings of individuals the game exercises target. This paper will uncover investigate discoveries and results subsequent to visiting a network sports recreation focus. Exercises did in the middle will be referenced just as the focused on gatherings and advantages of the referenced exercises. To get precise information, an organized allowed meeting will be directed in order to become familiar with the middle. Perception and other method of essential information assortment will be talked about just as the assortment of auxiliary information. The middle under investigation is focal YMCA club. This club is a segment of a cause association; this makes this wellness place just one of its sort in the wellbeing and wellness segment. This club offers a middle for the network individuals to collaborate in a social point of view. This consequently prompts its inviting, well disposed and warm condition as it prompts a sentiment of having a place and empowers individuals to accomplish wellness and wellbeing through a wide scope of exercises advertised. (Prasad, 6). The crucial this club: To propel the prosperity and strength of the network by means of the fortune of wellness, game and craftsmanship based projects. Such projects will include: positive wellbeing, more seasoned grown-ups, performing expressions, innovative expressions, psyche and body, practice sustenance, Y dynamic children, solid living, and pre and post natal. Be that as it may, the program under center is psyche and body. Under this program a few ideas are rehearsed. The zone of worry in this report is Tai Chi. This is an oxygen consuming activity which builds up a solid psyche and body; it incorporates contemplation just as moderate high-impact meetings. (Exhaust, 7) 2. Technique My underlying visit at the Central YMCA was on 19-03-2013. I gathered handouts and fliers concerning the as sociation at the front counter. I strolled around the office and watched the exercises occurring. I additionally met with the associate facilitator and talked about my aims just as gave him my letter of presentation. We orchestrated my following visit to the middle just as the exercises I was to embrace in order to encourage the discoveries of my report paper. I gathered progressively important data concerning the wellness office in their site. My following visit was on 22-03-2013. I met with the associate facilitator talked about my report paper and I was given a thumbs up just as the date and setting to gather my information. I at that point strolled around the office and watched the exercises. On 26-03-2013, 30 irregular individuals from Central YMCA were chosen by I and a gathering meeting was directed. This was finished with consent from the administration of the association. The setting was at the load up room, time 2:00-4:00 pm. I asked the members every inquiry as I recorded the outcomes. Every part addressed separately. Inquiries posed to every part included: a. For what reason do you go to Central YMCA? b. Do you like the high-impact programs? c. What number of go to Tai Chi? Explanation behind participation? Two vigorous teachers of Central YMCA were likewise met. The administration of the association was educated and the workers allowed to give concerned data. This occurred on the 26-03-2013, at the meeting room, 11:30 am - 12:15 pm and 6:00-5:45 pm. Inquiries posed to included: a. What are the open doors given to individuals to take an interest in oxygen consuming wellness exercises? b. What is the objective gathering? c. Which high-impact program includes a larger part of individuals? Why? d. How does the network profit by the association? e. What number of go to Tai Chi? Explanation behind participation? 3. Discoveries I. Essential information gathered Data gathered from the individuals was
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Topics For You To Consider
Essay Topics For You To ConsiderTo come up with great essays, you must choose an appropriate topic for your essay. The essay topic is the most important part of an essay. Essays should be very original and clear. Your topic can serve as your foundation for writing the essay and also provide a platform for you to express your opinions.Do not limit yourself to a single subject. It is not always easy to write about a single subject. You need to think of different topics. Here are some tips that can help you write on any topic.When you are having problems with different topics, it is advisable to ask for help from a friend or anyone who is very familiar with the topic. You can consider this as your thesis statement. After you have narrowed down your topic, you can consider having someone who has a different point of view to discuss the topic with you.Think of your topic and ask yourself why you are writing the essay. This will help you when it comes to composing the body of the essay. So me topics are related to current events, while others are more timeless. They help you create the right atmosphere.You have to consider that your essay is a reflection of your specific topic. What you write should be very interesting and good in quality. Do not write in a rush. It is always better to set out the fundamentals of your topic before writing the actual content.The most common problem when writing essays is that many people do not know where to start. There are many things that should be covered by an essay, but when people get stuck, they tend to slack off. Take some time and get it all done. In the end, you will be glad that you had the patience to do it.You can also refer to your own ideas and views. Remember that the topic should speak of what you have to say. As much as possible, try to do research. This will help you produce a good essay. Research on your topic is very important.As soon as you have written the essay, do not forget to proofread it. Do not make too ma ny mistakes. This is because a mistake may affect the overall appearance of the essay.
Graduate Nursing School Admission Essay Samples
Graduate Nursing School Admission Essay SamplesIf you have been thinking about going back to graduate nursing school, you may be looking for some kind of professional advice. Most people who go back to school want some help with getting accepted into their top graduate program, and finding one can be a challenge if you don't know where to look. Fortunately, you can find a wealth of professional assistance in your area.As with most things in life, there are resources available that can help you with your graduate school admission essay samples. Most likely, you can find a number of personal recommendation letters that will help you out. You can also find some professionals that can write and edit them for you if you need it. However, you do not want to take these experts up on their offer, because they are already an expert in their field.Many times, personal recommendation letters are included in the application. One of the things that will go into your application, and one of the fi rst things that you will receive when you get your acceptance letter is your letter of recommendation. Whether or not you are a senior on the admissions committee, a letter can make all the difference.By the time you have had to wait for your letter to arrive and read through it, you may have forgotten what was inside the letter. You have to make sure that you understand exactly what is being said. There may be sections that you are not sure about, so you will want to make sure that you are able to find the answers you need before you send the letter back.Graduate nursing school admission essay samples can help you out if you want to learn what will not be mentioned in your letter. You have to be aware of how much information you will be asked to include. Many people actually turn this part of the application process into a game. They try to guess what will be asked of them.In some cases, you may have to make sure that you are the same or a certain type of individual. This may be a common part of the application, but make sure that you are able to do your research before you send the letter back. Make sure that you check with the student handbook or even ask your admissions counselor about it.Knowing the legal aspects of the process and how to respond to inquiries is also important. Many times, people do not understand the entire process. You will want to know what the particular process entails and how it can affect you when you are ready to submit your application.You may not need to send an entrance essay or a major section. Still, you may want to get some specific advice. The last thing you want to do is get a good amount of information but end up giving something to the school that you feel you should not have.
Friday, July 3, 2020
Absent Fathers, Mothers, and Children Filling the Voids of Loss in Toni Morrison’s Jazz - Literature Essay Samples
In Jazz, Toni Morrison writes with a style both rhythmic and passionate that is strikingly similar to the music of her novel’s title. Set mainly during the Harlem Renaissance in New York in the late 1920s, Morrison essentially tells the story of a tragic love triangle between a middle-aged couple and a young girl. As the plot progresses, however, it becomes evident that the entire cast of complex characters is connected through the relationships they build with each other. As they lead their lives, one common thread in particular emerges: loss and, consequently, efforts to fill the voids left behind. Golden Gray, the biracial result of a forbidden affair, seeks answers to not only his missing father but also a missing sense of racial identity; Joe Trace, the man responsible for starting and ending the doomed love triangle, searches for his absent mother; and Violet Trace, the distraught wife of Joe, goes to great lengths to compensate for her lack of children. Golden Gray is unique among the other characters in that he has a relatively happy and normal childhood in spite of his father’s absence. Raised by his white mother, Vera Louise, and her black slave, True Belle, Golden is pampered and loved. He presumes from his light skin color that he is simply white like his mother, and neither woman contradicts this false assumption. Finally, when he is eighteen, True Belle confesses that his father is actually a black man named Henry Lestory. This revelation turns Golden’s world upside-down, and he immediately follows True Belle’s directions to see this Henry Lestory for himself. As he sits in his father’s house, waiting for him, he describes his state of mind: â€Å"Only now . . . now that I know I have a father, do I feel his absence: the place where he should have been and was not. Before, I thought everybody was one-armed, like me. Now I feel the surgery. The crunch of bone where it is sundered, the sliced flesh and the tubes of blood cut through, shocking the bloodrun and disturbing the nerves . . . It’s a phantom I have to behold and be held by, in whatever crevices it lies, under whatever branch . . . This part of me that does not know me . . .†(Morrison 158) By equating the loss of his father to the loss of one of his own arms, Golden conveys the immense pain and confusion he feels. In an attempt to fill this newly realized void, quite literally a flesh wound, Golden convinces himself that he must kill Henry Lestory. Of course, this is highly irrational; Golden has finally found what he has been missing his entire life, and now he wants to destroy it forever? This justification of murder demonstrates, however, the extent to which Golden is willing to go to become whole again. As the narrator puts it, Golden â€Å"longed for authenticity, for a right to be in this place, effortlessly without needing to acquire a false face†(Morrison 160). When True Belle tells him a bout his father, she not only complicates his racial identity; she shatters his entire sense of self. That is a hole that demands filling. Unlike Golden Gray, Joe Trace grows up uncertain of his heritage. Taken in by the Williams family in Virginia, Joe is cared for but conscious of the fact that he is not really their son. When Rhoda Williams, his mother, tells him that his real parents â€Å"disappeared without a trace†, Joe â€Å"understood this to mean the ‘trace’ they disappeared with was [him]†(Morrison 124). He thus takes Trace as his last name. By doing so, he effectively labels himself as missing something. Despite eventually learning the identity of his mother (a mysterious, even feared woman called Wild who lives in the forest and in fields of sugarcane) and venturing to look for her on three separate occasions, he never finds her. It is precisely this lack of a maternal influence that prevents Joe from being able to cope with the loss. As he grows older with Violet, their relationship weakens until â€Å"they were still a couple but barely speaking to each other, let alone laughi ng together†(Morrison 36). Joe craves happiness and a meaningful connection with someone in his life, so he turns to an eighteen-year-old girl named Dorcas. He finds it easier to connect with her and trust her with his past perhaps because she is still dealing with the pain of losing her own parents: â€Å"Dorcas . . . knew better than people his own age what that inside nothing was like. And [she] filled it for him, just as he filled it for her, because she had it too†(Morrison 37-38). They bond over this â€Å"inside nothing†, and their intimate relationship helps fill Joe’s void. He does not know how to keep it going, however, and he ends up shooting Dorcas in a nightclub. Joe’s absent mother is never around to teach him the ways of the world, so he teaches himself; unfortunately, this ultimately drives him to commit adultery and murder. Violet Trace, the granddaughter of the woman who tells Golden Gray about his father and the wife of the man who kills Dorcas, has problems of her own. Her loss initially appears to be that of her mother, who throws herself down a well, but Violet’s actions reveal that what is actually missing from her life is a child. At one point, she makes a half-hearted attempt to steal a baby from a neighbor of a hair-dressing client. The brief joy she gets from holding the baby is apparent: â€Å"When the baby was in her arms, she inched its blanket up around the cheeks against the threat of wind too cool for its honey-sweet, butter-colored face. Its big-eyed noncommittal stare made her smile. Comfort settled itself in her stomach and a kind of skipping, running light traveled her veins.†(Morrison 19) Violet may not be thinking clearly, but this incident still demonstrates her yearning for children of her own. Later on, the saga with Dorcas confirms this desire. Violet first succe eds in stabbing Dorcas’ corpse at her funeral and then proceeds to stalk the poor girl after she is in the ground. She finds out every detail about Dorcas’ life and even acquires a portrait of her, which she props on the mantel to gaze at each night. Despite Violet’s insistence that â€Å"the girl’s memory is a sickness in the house†(Morrison 28), she seems to bond with her portrait, â€Å"admiring the dead girls hair . . . having whispered conversations with the corpse in her head . . . [wondering] what color were Dorcas’ eyes†(Morrison 15). This peculiar, one-sided relationship in addition to stealing a baby are merely negative manifestations of Violet’s longing for a child. As the novel progresses, however, her character develops healthier coping methods. She forms relationships with Alice Manfred, Dorcas’ aunt, and Felice, Dorcas’ best friend. Their rapports are surprising at first glance, but given the circ umstances they actually prove quite logical. In Alice, Violet sees a woman aged â€Å"fifty eight with no children of her own, and the one she had access to and responsibility for dead†and can empathize with her (Morrison 76). In Felice, Violet sees a girl about the right age to be her own daughter. Even Felice gets the feeling that she is â€Å"somebody [Violet] favored and could count on†(Morrison 211). Most importantly, Violet finds companions who are also dealing with grief, and the voids left behind seem easier to fill together. Morrison’s array of characters is impressive. Each is complex, fully developed, and somehow part of the larger tapestry that connects them all. Golden Gray, Joe, and Violet Trace in particular are related not only by this family tree of sorts but also by shared life experience: they are faced with loss and must try to make themselves whole again. Golden comes close to killing his father in order to come to terms with his newfound racial identity; Joe commits heinous crimes in the process of coping with his mother’s absence; and Violet acquires both negative behaviors and positive relationships as she deals with her lack of children. As all of this drama unfolds, there is a whisper of a melody in the background. It echoes from the pages, from between Morrison’s lyrical lines. It sounds a bit like jazz.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Realism and Naturalism in American Literature Essay
Katelynn Craig English 3883 Dr. Charles DeShong 15 March 2013 Realism in Huckleberry Finn Between the end of the civil war in 1865 to about 1910, two styles of literature dominated American literature: realism and naturalism. Realism presents the world as it really is. One of the well known writers of realism, William Dean Howell’s, wrote â€Å"realism in nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material.†Realism in literature tends to be the plain and direct account of whatever is being written about. Writers of realism fill their work with facts to complement the readers’ feelings of the fact that these things can happen in their everyday lives. Realists are sure to write about normal, everyday people, living†¦show more content†¦In the explanatory text before the story, Twain explains the dialect of the characters, â€Å"the Missouri negro dialect; the extremest form of the form of the backwood South-Western dialect; the ordinary â€Å"Pike-County†dialect; and four modified varietie s of this last.†The dialect is accurate to each role the character plays, making the text as real and relatable as possible. The use of diction that fits each character, time period, and location is another way in which The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn becomes a novel to fit the idea of realism. The use of satire throughout the novel allows Twain to expose and identify the true character of each individual. While characters like the two conmen and religious figures walk around and present themselves as highly educated and righteous, they really are lacking in their lives. The two conmen are exactly that, conmen. Their education is lacking and Huck catches on and identifies that, â€Å"It didnt take me long to make up my mind that these liars warnt no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds. Those that claim to be religious only act this way in public. They all attend church, like the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons, but never use the lessons taught in church and apply them to their home lives. Twain shows Tom’s lack of logic when Tom is creating a plan to save Jim. There are parts of the plan that are so unrealistic and out of this world that they have toShow MoreRelatedRealism and Naturalism in American Literature Stories Essay1493 Words  |  6 PagesThere are two dominate aspects of Realism (Social Rules Morality), and two dominate laws of Naturalism (Environment Determinism), that comes into play in the American Literature stories of Daisy Miller ,Frank James, and Jack London. According to one authoritative source (Britannica), realism in its basic form in Literature is a literary style in which the author describes the reality of persons (people) in detail to resemble their actions, emotions, and environment. The strengths and weaknessesRead MoreTranscendentalism, Realism, Naturalism, And Existentialism- Shaped The Advancement Of American Literature1486 Words  | 6 PagesTranscendentalism, Realism, Naturalism, and Existentialism- shaped the advancement of American literature. They were considered to be theoretical and political philosophies which held important positions in the development of modern literature. The original authors, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mark Twain, Lawrence Sargent Hall, and Jerome David Sali nger, presented works inspiring new perspectives and social outlooks upon reality and it’s offerings. Through characterizing the progress of the philosophiesRead MoreLiterature and Social Reality1340 Words  | 6 PagesLiterature and Social Reality xxxx ENG/492 xxxx xxxx In this paper I will discuss and analyze the social forces of immigration and industrialization that shape literature during the period of 1865 to 1912. I will describe the major literary movements of the period. Additionally I will explain how Realism and Naturalism influenced the literature of the period, how immigration and industrialization contributed to the influences. I will illustrate using examples from some of theRead MoreEssay on Naturalism and Realism1298 Words  | 6 Pagesseparate movements spread across America know as realism and naturalism. While the two were very similar in their beliefs and ideals there were still many apparent distinctions to differentiate the two. Realism and naturalism showed themselves in many aspects of life, from art and sciences to new math techniques and even religion. However, above all else these movements may have been most evident in the literature of this time. Reading through American literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuriesRead MoreSimilarities and Differences Btw Realism and Naturalism in the Red Badge of Courage and to Build a Fire1644 Words  | 7 PagesSimilarities and Differences between Naturalism and Realism Both Naturalism and Realism were the genres of literature that appeared after the Civil War in the United States. The Realism and Naturalism first originated in Europe as a response to the Romanticism and Napoleonic War. People suffered from their misfortune and got depressed from the situation on which nothing had left but misery after the war. Likewise, in America, Realism and Naturalism came out in response to the miserable war, the CivilRead MoreThe Viewpoints of Stephen Crane and His Novel Maggie: A Girl on the Streets807 Words  | 4 Pageswrite his 1893 novella, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, as a result of his religious family, the secrecy to publish a novel that reveals the reality and impurity of the real world and from the impact of needy, urban landscapes that ended realism and began naturalism. Beginning in the early years of Stephen Crane’s life, he was the last son of thirteen other siblings. Being raised by a Methodist family on both sides, Stephan’s parents focused a lot of their time writing religious articles. He alsoRead MoreThe Effect of Cultural and Historical Situations on American Literature 1173 Words  | 5 PagesProfessor Brattoli †American literature is almost always tied to historical and social events of the era in which it was written.†There is a connection between literary works from different time periods. This connection is how history, current events and social events have impacted American Literature. Literary works and writing styles have been affected and influence by the world around us. This is seen in many of the works assigned forRead MoreAmerica s World War II870 Words  | 4 Pagesdoubt that America’s World War II is a rich source of literature and a theme for many writers. As result, they wrote many works about war literature, such as novels, poetry, plays, diaries, and personal narrative. The American Literature was formed by the history of the state that produced it just like in other nationwide literature. America was just a cluster of colonies scattered alongside the eastern seaboard of the North American continent for approximately a century and a half. AfterRead MoreNaturalism : The Great. Who Has Read American Literature1368 Words  | 6 PagesNaturalism the Great Anyone who has read American literature will know of the significance of naturalism as a literary genre in American literature. Merriam Webster’s definition of Naturalism is as follows: A theory that art or literature should conform exactly to nature or depict every appearance of the subject that comes to the artist’s attention, specifically a theory in literature emphasizing the role of heredity and environment upon human life and character development. Naturalism went fromRead MoreRealism And Realism Of The Late Nineteenth Century3010 Words  | 13 Pageseasily defined as influential and can be pointed to as to have directly contributed to the quality of literature we have today. The two, realism and naturalism were both movements that occurred in American, European and English literature that encompass the feelings of early well-known writers such as Edith Warton, Stephen Crane, Jack London, and of course, perhaps the figurehead of naturalistic literature, Emile Zola. A great number of other early writers utilized this technique, just emphasizing the
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Schizoid Personality Disorder Free Essay Example, 1000 words
SCHIZOID PERSONALITY DISORDER ID Number: of of School Estimated Word Count: 1,085 Date of Submission: November 15, 2011 SCHIZOID PERSONALITY DISORDER Introduction The schizoid personality is considered as one of the rarest types of personality disorders. It is also more common among the men than in women and those afflicted with this disorder can have little or no interest at all in developing normal relationships with other people. Unlike those diagnosed with the closest and almost similar disorders of schizotypal personal disorder and also the avoidant personality disorder, persons diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder do not have the characteristic cognitive perceptual distortions (schizotypal) nor the intense unexpressed desire to have relationships but avoid them due to exaggerated fears of rejection (avoidant type). A person diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder, however, shares the same features of the two other disorders in terms of social isolation and restricted or repressed emotional expression. The schizoid personality disorder differs from another almost similar disorder which is paranoid personality disorder in tha t it lacks the elements of mistrust and suspiciousness (Hales, Yudofsky and Gabbard, 2010, p. 303). In other words, it is very hard to spot except by someone who had been trained to diagnose it precisely and has therefore been rarely studied. We will write a custom essay sample on Schizoid Personality Disorder or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Discussion Some psychologists question the criteria used in schizoid personality disorder diagnosis as it suggests some cultural and social biases. This is because some people are different does not mean they are pathological or dysfunctional. The basis for this contrary claim is that people tend to discriminate those belonging in the minority and equate that with an illness, almost similar to the earlier case of homosexuality which had been removed from the list of mental disorders with the pioneering research done by Dr. Evelyn Hooker that homosexuals are normal people. Be that as it may, people diagnosed with the schizoid personality disorder share similar characteristics of those diagnosed with schizophrenia such as emotional detachment (coldness) and a blunted or a flattened affect.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Tips and Examples About Asking for Information in English
Asking for information can be as simple as asking for the time, or as complicated as asking for details about a complicated process. In both cases, its important to use the appropriate form for the situation. For example, when asking for information from a friend, use a more informal or colloquial form. When asking a colleague, use a slightly more formal form, and when asking for information from a stranger, use an appropriately formal construction. Very Informal Structures If you are asking a friend or family member for information, use a direct question. Simple Question Structure: Wh? Helping Verb Subject Verb How much does it cost?Where does she live? More Formal Structures Use these forms for simple, everyday questions in stores, with colleagues at work, and in other informal situations. Structure: Pardon me / Excuse me  Can / Could you tell me Wh? Subject verb? Can you tell me when the train arrives?Pardon me, could you tell me how much the book costs? Formal and More Complicated Questions Use these forms when asking complicated questions that require a lot of information. These should also be used when asking questions of important people such as your boss, on a job interview, etc. Structure: I wonder if you could tell me/explain/provide information on... I wonder if you could explain how health insurance is handled at your company.I wonder if you could provide information on your pricing structure. Structure: Would you mind verb ing Would you mind telling me a little bit more about benefits at this company?Would you mind going over the savings plan again? Replying to a Request for Information If you would like to provide information when asked for information, start your reply with one of the following phrases. Informal Sure.No problem.Let me see. More Formal Id be happy to answer that.I should be able to answer your question.Itd be a pleasure to help you. When providing information people will sometimes also offer to help in other ways. See the example conversations below for an example. Saying No If you do not have the answer to a request for information, use one of the phrases below to indicate that you are unable to answer the question. Saying no, is never fun, but sometimes its necessary. Instead, its common to offer a suggestion as to where someone might find the information. Informal Sorry, I cant help you out.Sorry, but I dont know that.Thats beyond me, sorry. More Formal Im afraid I dont have the answer to that question.Id like to help you. Unfortunately, I dont have that information / dont know. Role Play Exercises Simple Situation Brother: When does the movie start?Sister: I think its at 8.Brother: Check, will you?Sister: Youre so lazy. Just a second.Brother: Thanks, sis.Sister: Yes, it starts at 8. Get off the couch sometimes! Customer: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find menswear?Shop Assistant: Sure. Menswear is on the second floor.Customer: Oh, also, could you tell me where sheets are.Shop Assistant: No problem, sheets are on the third floor at the back.Customer: Thanks for your help.Shop Assistant: My pleasure. More Complex or Formal Situation Man: Excuse me, would you mind answering some questions?Business Colleague: Id be happy to help.Man: I wonder if you could tell me when the project is going to begin.Business Colleague: I believe were beginning the project next month.Man: and who will be responsible for the project.Business Colleague: I think Bob Smith is in charge of the project.Man: OK, finally, would you mind telling me how much the estimated cost will be?Business Colleague: Im afraid I cant answer that. Perhaps you should speak to my director.Man: Thank you. I thought you might say that. Ill speak to Mr. Anders.Business Colleague: Yes, that would be best for that type of information. Man: Thank you for helping out.Business Colleague: My pleasure.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Kane, Gatsby, And The American Dream - 1035 Words
The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Citizen Kane a movie directed by Orson Welles are both monumental stories in American society as they both represent the American dream at it’s most brilliant high. The Great Gatsby is all about time and the American dream; it is essentially what consumes Gatsby. Both Kane and Gatsby are representations of the American dream, and as we read into their stories we see that time and the dream become so intertwined that it is hard to see them apart. Other key factors play into this such as the failed pursuit of love and being in a sea of admirers and feeling like you are the only person there. Jay Gatsby reinvents himself at the ripe young age of seventeen; this is when he officially†¦show more content†¦Unlike Gatsby however, Kane would like to relive his childhood, something Gatsby destroyed. Kane’s last utterance, â€Å"rosebud†is a large standing testament to his want to return to childhood. Throughout the movie we see him as a large, powerful figure that is newsworthy for scandals and successes among other things. We realize though that the things that made him who he was, were not the things that made him such a renowned figure, it was the things that drove him and although we never truly understand what those things are, we can speculate. And the last word, â€Å"rosebud†is certainly an argument to that because it is the last thing we understand of him, and it is essentially him being at his most venerable and most alone time. When he leaves his family he is embarking on a lonely trail, Thatcher is a money obsessed business mogul and therefore does not develop Kane or even try to create a solid relationship with him, which sets Kane up for a lifestyle of loneliness. This loneliness extends into his business deals as he takes the world by storm. Scandal suppresses both Kane and Gatsby, Gatsby loses his life because of it and Kane loses an election that he â€Å"had in theShow MoreRelatedEssay on The American Dream in Citizen Kane and The Great Gatsby2295 Words  | 10 Pagesdiversities, its inhabitants- the quot;average Americanquot;- have a single thing in common; a single idea; a single goal; the American Dream. The Dream consists of a seemingly simple concept; success. Americans dream of a successful marriage, family, successful job, and own a Victorian-style home with a white picket fence and an oak tree with a swing tire in the front yard. The accessories add to the package according to the individuality of the American Dream. And, perhaps along with the quot;meltingRead MoreGreat Gatsby and Citizen Kane compare and contrast Essay examples677 Words  | 3 Pages The Great Gatsby Citizen Kane You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen The Great Gatsby and Citizen Kane are both classic American stories about the so called â€Å"American Dream†. The main characters in both stories are Mr. Gatsby and Mr. Kane. They each come from similar backgrounds. They also both hold much power as adults. A difference between the two is one chose their way of living the other did not. He wasRead MoreGatsby and the Complexity of the American Dream4080 Words  | 17 PagesGatsby and the Complexity of the American Dream F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is an exploration of the American dream in modern society, in which money and prosperity are significant factors and it may not be as simple as you think; and the movie Citizen Kane is another example of the complex issues relating to the American dream. First, we will explore the American dream, in which it is to make a great deal of money because it provides for a comfortable living, and characters in the novelRead MoreThe Corruption Of The American Dream1835 Words  | 8 Pages141124 Date: 29/01/2016 THE CORRUPTION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM. The universal characterization of American dream is that, in the country, whichever person wants to be successful will be successful due to self-improvement which can be attained by working hard and proper utilisation of the available resources, adding up with providential circumstances. The Great ‘Gatsby’ emerges out as a personification of the American dream of self-made triumph, growing up from being a poor farm boy in
Sexuality at Different Life Stages - 986 Words
Sexuality at Different Life Stages The therapist’s response to Anna Anna you have been having some issues lately regarding having a boyfriend and your mother is concerned that you are not ready for a relationship with an older boy. At this point you think that what you are feeling for your boyfriend is love, but true love is when your partner can understand what you are going through and help you to go through it rather than force you to make a decision now. Maybe you are feeling that if you give nothing in the relationship it will not last. Maybe right now you are thinking less about yourself and more about your partner and pleasing him, but if he is really thinking about you and feel love for you he would be patient and try to work this through with you. At this stage you are not too young to love, these feelings only point to infatuation. Most adolescents have sex in order to make sure their boyfriend like them, or they give in to peer- pressure or they do it just to get back at parents for their disapproval of their relationship. At this point I must tell you that your mother is very concerned as to whether you can really handle a relationship at this stage or if you are mature enough to make the right choices. Your mother has been through the similar situation, we all as adults go through the same bodily changes as our children and we know that oftentimes the decisions made are not to our advantage. Many studies have been done t o prove this. Many girls whoShow MoreRelatedSexuality at Different Life Stages766 Words  | 4 PagesSexuality at Different Life Stages Kimberly Hamsher PSY/265 April 13, 2014 Kimberly Hima Sexuality at Different Life Stages In the case of Ashley, I would assume her therapist would point out all the options she has before deciding if she wants to pursue a sexual relationship with her boyfriend. She should explain the variety of emotions an adolescent girl might feel when a boy or young man shows an interest in her. She should let her know that the word love can sometimes be displaced andRead MoreSexuality at Different Life Stages Essay1018 Words  | 5 Pagesbehaviors even prior to birth. Throughout an individual’s life they will experience different stages of sexuality. This paper will address concerns, feelings, and changes that Anna, Tom and Susan, and Bill are experiencing during their specific life stage as well as some coaching ideas and recommendations to aid them through the roadblocks in his or her way so they each can continue to move through the life stages of sexuality. Adolescence Stage Anna is an adolescent girl who has a boyfriendRead MoreSexuality Is An Omnipresent Factor That Affects Everyone809 Words  | 4 PagesSexuality is an omnipresent factor that affects everyone individually in society today. It is a term that can be labeled as different things or meanings. Sexuality is a topic that is understood by all, yet talked by few. Sexuality can be seen as ones capacity for sexual feelings, and their sexual orientation or preference. It is a defining characteristic that is attributed to everyone, and has the power to set aside one from another. When looking at sexuality it is important to understand what itRead MoreFreud s Theory Of Sexuality956 Words  | 4 PagesOne of His most significant outlooks and study was in the sexology field. Sexology had already been constituted as a separate form of enquiry some time before the appearance of Freud’s most important contribution, The three essays on the theory of sexuality (1905) and many of the term s that we tend to identify with Freud, such as libido, component instincts, erotogenic zones, catharsis, autoerotism and narcissism were already in circulation. (Akroterion. 58, 79-96, Dec. 2013) Some have argued that FreudRead MoreGender and Human Sexuality1375 Words  | 6 PagesGender and human sexuality has major importance in lives. This can determine whether a person is healthy or not; not only physically but mentally as well. Also, having a certain gender can change the way feelings are obtain their own character. It is about finding yourself within the gender given and personal human sexuality. Gender can determine actions made by either a male or female called it gender norms. The human sexuality could be defined as thoughts, fantasies, morals, relationship, and attitudesRead MoreThe Struggles And Needs Elderly Lgbt Individuals Face And Its Effect On Their Aging Process1334 Words  | 6 Pagesdo they face discrimination due to their sexuality, but also due to their ag e and/or gender. The intersectionality of sexuality, age, and/or gender can cause many physical, mental, and emotional health issues which require social work intervention. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the struggles and needs elderly LGBT individuals face and its effect on their aging process. This can be achieved by applying theoretical frameworks such as Erickson’s Stages of Development, Intersectionality, andRead MoreAlize Johnson. Mr. Sidney. British Literature . March 27,1280 Words  | 6 PagesAlize Johnson Mr. Sidney British Literature March 27, 2017 Teen Sexuality â€Å"How sexuality, love,and autonomy are perceived and negotiated in parent-child relationships and among teenagers depends on the cultural templates people have available†-Amy Schale, 2010 The controversy over teen sexuality in America seems to be one of the top ranked topics that floods the internet, talk shows, and radio stations. Whether it’s talk about the latest teen pregnancy shows, child pornographyRead MoreThe Sexuality of Adolescent Americans in Juno1555 Words  | 6 PagesThe Sexuality of Adolescent Americans: Juno Abstract Sexuality and sex in America is a complicated subject in that there is little consensus on the topic of sex in, and the American media sends many mixed messages regarding sex and sexuality to everyone, not just to adolescents. Americans are aware of sex primarily through advertising (print media, commercials, etc.) as sex is used to sell anything and everything. The media also bombards Americans with sexuality and sex on television and inRead MoreThe Theory Of Sexuality By Sigmund Freud1654 Words  | 7 Pagestopics evoke so much intrigue and bewilderment, discussion and silence as the concept of sexuality. It has simultaneously been the focus of scientific experimentation and theoretical debate since the emergence of the modern world. Traditional views designate sexuality as purposeful, which is to say that our sexual instinct compels us toward reproduction and the preservation of life. This parallels human sexuality to that of animals, an instinct that is genetically programmed into us for the purposeRead MoreGoffman And Michel Foucault s Theory Of Society And The Unspoken Rule Of Conduct Of Our Everyday Interactions1324 Words  | 6 Pagesnorm has been broken. Sociologist Erving Goffman and Michel Foucault were concerned with the characteristics that make up the structure of society and the importance of the production of social order. Both theorists have used different methods to study the effect of social life in society and the unspoken rule of conduct of our everyday interactions. In this paper I will compare and contrast their influences, focusing on how social order is produced to help us understand the importance of human interaction
Critical thinking and Managerial Decision
Question: Discuss about theCritical Thinking and Managerial Decision. Answer: Introduction: This particular article has provided an in-depth understanding on the micro-foundation of management research. The overarching term, micro-foundation has emerged as an important foundational theme that evaluates the organizational challenges and knowledge based production. This particular article has primary focused to deal with the relevance of behavioral strategies. Behavioral strategy implies the study of corporate business strategies from the perspectives of micro-foundation. The article concentrates to highlight the roles of different kinds of behavioral strategies for the success of business organization. Objectives: Behavioral strategy and its importance are the primary concern of this particular article. The primary aim of the author is to implement a suitable behavioral strategy at the workplace. Before writing this particular article, the key objectives of the author are as follows: To critically evaluate the importance of behavioral strategy within the strategic management of an organization To get an in-depth overview about different kinds of behavioral strategies To understand critically which particular behavioral strategy is effective for a particular business organization Theoretical Base: This article has primarily emphasized on behavioral theory. Behavioral theory indicates that employees have to face different kinds of environments at the workplace. With the continuous flow of changing environment, employees have to be accustomed with the upcoming situation. Both the internal as well as the external environment of an organization is ever changing. Employees have to change their behavior with the changing circumstances. Without implementing behavioral theory at the workplace, the employees would never be able to perform well with the rhythmic flow of business. Conceptual Underpinning: This particular article has given emphasis on four types of behavioral strategies including momentum strategy, feedback strategy, inferential strategy and finally anticipatory strategy. Momentum strategy has been considered as the organizations repeated behaviors that are not dependent on the consequence. The key purpose of momentum strategy is to capitalize the continuation of the existing trends in the current market. Feedback strategy depends on the current actions executed by the organization. The action is highly associated with the successful outcomes. Inferential strategy is firmly related to the feedback strategy with a minor difference. The outcome of inferential strategy may be either positive or negative. Anticipatory strategy indicates predicting the actions of others by choosing actions that tends to respond on the prediction. Arguments: The author has provided different classifications of behavioral strategies. In order to highlight various classifications, the author has not emphasized on any specific theory. Some of the contemporaries had made an intense argument regarding these strategies. On one hand, Blaschke, Frost Hattke, (2014) stated that feedback strategy is the most effective strategies among all the behavioral strategies due to a specific reason. The outcome of feedback theory is always positive. Therefore, the strategic managers should use this particular behavioral strategy in order to receive a positive outcome for reaching the organizational goal. On the other hand, Fini et al., (2012) opined that business organization can never be run successfully without accepting the risk factors. Therefore, from this particular point of view inferential strategy can be used within the business process of organization, as this behavioral strategy is possessed with both positive as well as negative outcomes. Methods: In order to conduct a micro-foundation research on the impact of behavioral strategy, the author has used secondary source of data analysis method (Medvedeva, 2012). The entire paper is devoid of any primary source of data. The author has not presented any survey questionnaires or qualitative data analysis in this article (Muethel, Gehrlein Hoegl, 2012). The entire paper is based on the critical analysis on the relevance of different behavioral strategies. Source and Credibility of Evidence: In order to review this particular article, two journals have primarily been used in this study for making a comparative analysis. In the article, Genetic dissection of the zebrafish habenula, a possible switching board for selection of behavioral strategy to cope with fear and anxiety, published by Okamoto, Agetsuma Aizawa, (2012), the author has pointed out the role of suing behavioral strategy in order to cope with fear and anxiety. On the other hand, the article, Examining the relationship between drinking refusal self-efficacy and protective behavioral strategy use on alcohol outcomes established by Ehret, Ghaidarov LaBrie, (2013) has pointed out the impact of feedback strategy in order to understand the relation between drinking refusal efficiency and protective behavioral theory. Place in the Literature: Behavioral strategies have been considered as one of the most significant issues for micro-foundation of management research. By highlighting the numerous classifications behavioral strategies, the author has intended to point out the importance of implementing momentum strategy, feedback strategy, inferential strategy and finally anticipatory strategy within the organization. Based on the review, Sakari Soininen et al., (2013) has pointed out that feedback strategy is considered as the most effective behavioral strategies as it is based on positive outcomes. Theoretical Contribution: Behavioral theory is highly effective in this particular context. As per the changing environment of the organization, managers tend to implement different kinds of organizational strategies and policies (Foss et al., 2012). Behavioral theory allows the employees and the managers to be accustomed with the changing environment and situation. Ability to be Applied by the Managers: Every behavioral strategy is possessed with some of its positive as well as negative effects. It depends on the organizational managers which particular behavioral strategy should be implemented within the process of business. Li et at., (2013) opined that momentum strategy is possessed with some of its major advantages that include high profits with a short period, leveraging the markets volatility, influencing the emotional decisions of other investors. Therefore, this particular strategy would be easier for the managers to apply at the workplace due to these advantages (Sieweke, 2014). Conclusion: The entire study provides detail analysis on the importance of behavioral strategies for running an organization successfully. Different classifications of behavioral strategies have been discussed in this article. Based on the classifications, this study has pointed out the opinion of some of the renowned scholars for making an in-depth review on it. Reference List: Blaschke, S., Frost, J., Hattke, F. (2014). Towards a micro foundation of leadership, governance, and management in universities.Higher Education,68(5), 711-732. Ehret, P. J., Ghaidarov, T. M., LaBrie, J. W. (2013). Can you say no? Examining the relationship between drinking refusal self-efficacy and protective behavioral strategy use on alcohol outcomes.Addictive behaviors,38(4), 1898-1904. Fini, R., Grimaldi, R., Marzocchi, G. L., Sobrero, M. (2012). The determinants of corporate entrepreneurial intention within small and newly established firms.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,36(2), 387-414. Foss, N. J., Heimeriks, K. H., Winter, S. G., Zollo, M. (2012). A Hegelian Dialogue on the Microà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Foundations of Organizational Routines and Capabilities.European Management Review,9(4), 173-197. Li, Q., Maggitti, P. G., Smith, K. G., Tesluk, P. E., Katila, R. (2013). Top management attention to innovation: The role of search selection and intensity in new product introductions.Academy of Management Journal,56(3), 893-916. Medvedeva, T. A. (2012). Developing an innovative style of thinking and innovative behavior.Systemic Practice and Action Research,25(3), 261-272. Muethel, M., Gehrlein, S., Hoegl, M. (2012). Socioà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ demographic factors and shared leadership behaviors in dispersed teams: Implications for human resource management.Human Resource Management,51(4), 525-548. Okamoto, H., Agetsuma, M., Aizawa, H. (2012). Genetic dissection of the zebrafish habenula, a possible switching board for selection of behavioral strategy to cope with fear and anxiety.Developmental neurobiology,72(3), 386-394. Sakari Soininen, J., Puumalainen, K., Sjgrn, H., Syrj, P., Durst, S. (2013). Entrepreneurial orientation in small firmsvalues-attitudes-behavior approach.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior Research,19(6), 611-632. Sieweke, J. (2014). Pierre Bourdieu in management and organization studiesA citation context analysis and discussion of contributions.Scandinavian Journal of Management,30(4), 532-543.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Role Model...Lady Gaga free essay sample
Argumentation here will be guided by time, policies and other onstraints. However, my argumentation will dwell more on training issue that will serve as refresher or new information to other employees. This will be supported with published materials like manuals, handbooks, annual reports, training guides and more. To demonstrate this, select a position from a current event with which you are familiar. How would you argue this position in the classroom, daily life, and on the job? This is the right time for US to leave Iraq In the classroom, there will be a brief reminder of situation that led the US into Iraq. Argumentation for this will be upported with news reports of peace returning to Iraq. The negative economic impact of war costs on the US will be an evidence. The capability of us-trained Iraqi forces will help drive the point home. The consolidation of the flegling democracy in Iraq and the wish of the Iraqi people. We will write a custom essay sample on Role ModelLady Gaga or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Would you use different supporting evidence to make your argument? Other supporting evidence is the presence of the US in Afghanistan, talking about fighting two wars at a time. The cost impact on the US treasury, especially now that there is recession. Role Model Lady Gaga By debcrann Love, Love, Love, I Want Your Love Lady Gaga, born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, was raised in a truly Catholic household in New York, 1986. She was taught to believe firmly in her religion, but also to practice tolerance and love for everyone she would come in contact with. When she broke onto the music scene in 2008 with Just Dance, she immediately caught the public eye with her outlandish wardrobe, catchy lyrics, and bizarre music videos. When the public heard the life behind the lyrics, however, they were infatuated with her message as well. Gaga is here to perform and spread Joy, in the form of music, to her Little Monsters, but also to break down the walls of normality and promote acceptance of self and others. With an, Im here, Im queer, get used to it attitude, she has captured the hearts of many teens and adults alike, and keep us all striving to be a bit more like her. Germanotta, preferring her star name of Lady Gaga, was raised to believe that getting what you want means working hard to make it happen. At each chance she can get, she tries to make this apparent by telling her story. In an interview with New York Entertainment, she states: l left my entire family, got the cheapest apartment I could find, and ate [crap] until somebody would listen. She was determined to be a star and to share her dreams with the world. In her words, l am a feminist and I want to change the way people view women, (Larry King Live, 2010). Later in the interview, she goes on to say: Im not interested, Larry, in being a perfect, placid, pop singer that looks great in bikinis and is on the cover of every magazine. I am more nterested in helping my fans to love who they are and helping them reject prejudice and reject those things they are taught from society to not like about themselves. To feel like freaks. Raised in a Catholic home and taught to love and respect God, Lady Gaga has grown into a very spiritual woman. l am very religious. I was raised Catholic. I believe in Jesus, I believe in God, Im very spiritual, I pray very much. But at the same time, there is no religion that do esnt hate or speak against or be prejudiced another racial group or religious group or sexual group. So for that, I think that religion is also bogus. Lady Gaga goes on to discuss her belief in Heaven, and that everyone, regardless of religion, sins or sexuality, will end up there. So, I suppose you could say Im a quite religious woman that is quite confused about religion. I envision a world where we have a more peaceful religion or a more peaceful world more peaceful state of mind for the younger generation. Thats what I dream for. Being a declared bisexual, yet also a devout Catholic, can seem backwards to most people; however, to Lady Gaga, it is Just life. Ones personal sexuality is their business and theirs alone, and nobody should feel superior enough to Judge others. Acceptance is a big part of her life, and her tour, for which she was quoted saying, The show is a rejection of insecurity. The Monster Ball is, in essence, an exorcism for my fans and for myself, where we sort of put everything out on the table and reject it. Gaga strongly believes in being ones self, not the self society wants you to be. To some, Lady Gaga is a menace or a bad influence. These people Judge her based
Friday, April 17, 2020
Why I Would Make a Good College Student Sample Essay
Why I Would Make a Good College Student Sample EssayA majority of students often ask why I would make a good college student sample essay. This is because the essay writing can be quite tedious and time consuming. Since college students tend to be so busy with their school work, their writing skills tend to drop. You may have many distractions and that is why they tend to make less sense.A good college student sample essay is one that they would find easy to write and contain an idea or thesis statement. There are some students who would love to write essays for college but the fact is, they do not. The quality of their writing tends to be poor, lack substance and often times, they do not know how to properly word the article. College students need to understand that they need to spend some time to be able to write and edit their own articles. Some college students get carried away and believe that they will be able to write an essay by their own power.It is true that in your college student sample essay, you need to spell check your piece and give it a line through for grammar. However, you still need to learn about college essay writing, the proper sentences and paragraph structure and other important aspects of essay writing. This is the part where you must put yourself in the shoes of a college student and realize what they really need.When writing your essay, try to think like a reader. What is it that they are seeking out from your essay? How do you explain your points to them?You should be well aware of the way you will approach your writing. For example, if you are a female college student, there are very few opportunities to write an essay on your own. You will have to rely on someone else. Why would anyone hire someone who does not have the knowledge to write an essay of his or her own? If you want to write an essay on your own, then you will need to follow instructions exactly as they are given.The first step to writing a good college student sample essay is to pick up a good book about writing. This will give you the ability to have a better understanding of the different ways that you will be writing. The guidelines and instructions in a good book will help you achieve the best results possible. Also, do not worry too much about grammar or spelling. It will be noticed.Many writers have successfully written a college student sample essay without it seeming like a college paper. They had no idea that they were writing an essay. As long as they followed the guidelines and kept it simple, they would have done fine. Just be sure to use the right tone and language when writing your essay. Remember, a college student does not have the same writing needs as a high school student.Another way to determine whether or not you are able to write a college student sample essay is to read and re-read what others have written. Most students tend to become so engrossed in the content of their essay that they forget to read the introduction or body of the piece. They seem to be only paying attention to the conclusion.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Polygamy in Islam
Introduction Marriage is one of the important aspects of the Islamic culture. The Islamic law allows Muslim men to practice polygamy, but it does not encourage it. The Islamic rules state that a Muslim man can marry a maximum of four women. Conversely, Muslim women do not have the right to marry several men. Muslim men in polygamous marriages should be kind to their women.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Polygamy in Islam specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the Quran, a man should not marry many women if he cannot take care of them. Globally, majority of Muslim men are monogamous. The practice of Islamic polygamy is not homogeneous in all countries. For instance, many men in Saudi Arabia practice polygamy. However, Islamic polygamy is uncommon in Egypt. In Iran, polygamy is quite popular in the countryside. Shia Muslims practice polygamy more than the Sunni Muslims. Polygamy has been a contentious issue among Muslim men and women because they have different views about it. This essay argues that polygamy should not be encouraged because of the following reasons. Laws of Islamic Polygamy A Muslim man can become polygamous under the following circumstances. First, â€Å"if a man has a high sex libido, he can marry more women to avoid committing sexual offenses†. Second, he should have resources such as land and money. Third, he should be truthful and responsible. Fourth, he should be acquainted with Islamic laws. Last, he should possess good leadership skills because it is quite difficult to solve social disputes in polygamous marriages. Disadvantages of Polygamy The aforementioned requirements are important because they ensure that men provide enough social and economic support to their families. Nonetheless, many Muslim men in polygamous marriages cannot fulfill all these requirements. Failure to fulfill the aforementioned requirements often leads to many challenges. In the contemporary world, polygamy is increasingly becoming unpopular due to economic constraints. For example, food insecurity is endemic in most parts of the world. Hence, it is difficult for many men in polygamous marriages to provide enough food to their large families.Advertising Looking for essay on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Inadequate food and shortage of basic needs often leads to many quarrels in polygamous marriages. Moreover, many rich men in polygamous marriages become poor because it is expensive to maintain a big family. There are many social challenges in polygamous marriages. Thus, many Muslim women detest polygamy. First, a woman often develops a low self-esteem when her husband marries another woman. For example, a woman whose husband marries another woman without her consent and proper reasons is likely to be depressed. Second, women always lack social support in polygamous marriages. For instance, majority of men often give their new wives much attention and abandon the old ones. This often leads to emotional problems and rivalry in polygamous marriages. Indeed, women in polygamous marriages often develop psychological problems such as depression because their husbands do not spend enough time with them. Furthermore, children in polygamous families often become indiscipline due to lack of proper parental guidance. Cases of physical and emotional abuses are frequent in polygamous marriages than in monogamous ones. Men in polygamous marriages like abusing their wives because they have many women. Many Muslim women criticize polygamy because it encourages patriarchy in the family. Usually, men become authoritative in polygamous marriages. They do not allow their women to participate in important decision-making processes in the family. For example, some men marry many women without consulting their wives. Moreover, many women in polygamous marriages do not have power t o control family resources such as land. Consequently, lack of proper decision-making often leads to bickering, violence, and jealousy in polygamous marriages. In addition, polygamy can lead to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Advantages of Polygamy Despite the numerous shortcomings of polygamy, it has the following advantages. Polygamy can enable a man to have children if his first wife cannot give birth. In such a situation, a woman can allow her husband to marry another woman to enable them have children.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Polygamy in Islam specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Polygamy can prevent men from engaging in sexual offenses. Polygamy can be encouraged if a woman cannot fulfill her family roles due to disability and ill health. For example, a married woman who is suffering from a chronic disease can encourage her husband to marry another woman to support her fam ily. Conclusion This essay has discussed the practice of Islamic polygamy. It has revealed that a Muslim man can marry a maximum of four women, but he should be kind to all of them. Moreover, a Muslim man should be financially stable because a polygamous family requires many resources. Nonetheless, many Muslim men are unable to comply with the rules of Islamic polygamy. This often leads to immense suffering of women and children in polygamous families. Therefore, the shortcomings of polygamy outweigh its advantages. Consequently, polygamy should only be encouraged if there are genuine reasons to practice it. Works Cited Ameenah, Abu and Bilal Philips. Polygamy in Islam. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2005. Print. Nurmila, Nina. Women, Islam and Everyday Life: Renegotiating Polygamy in Indonesia. London: Taylor Francis, 2009. Print. Youtube. Four Wives and One Husband – Polygamy in Iran. 9 Feb. 2013. Web. This essay on Polygamy in Islam was written and submitted by user Joslyn Carver to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Free Essays on College Vs High School
College versus High School School plays an important role in our life. Many of us will spend more than fifteen years at school in order to get the qualifications that are required to work in a specific field. Two important steps that we go through are high school and college. Even though some people would think they are almost similar, there are significant differences between them. Throughout this essay one should see many differences in high school and college in the areas of expenses, relationships between teachers, amount of work required, and the social environment. It is true to say that college is more expensive than high school. Of course, it provides a higher level of education, but by having such high fees it does not give a chance to them. In college students must have buy their own books whereas in high school they borrow them from the school for a year. As they do for high schools, the government should pay for the books and then borrow them to students, as they do in high schools. Paying for education can get expensive, but many people have to pay even more. Many cities do not have colleges, so students who want to get a higher education have to move away to another city where they will be provided the education they need. This often involves paying for an apartment, food, and sometimes for the bus, which is not, unlike high school, free. Clearly, college is a lot more expensive than high school. However, the cost is not the only thing to consider when comparing high school and college. The relation between teachers and students is also quite different. At high school, they see their students lower than them, not as equals. To tell the truth, it is very hard for high school students to become friends with their teachers, because of the fact that they are seen as simple students who have nothing to learn from their teachers. However, at college, it is easy to have a friendly relation with a teacher because their st... Free Essays on College Vs High School Free Essays on College Vs High School College versus High School School plays an important role in our life. Many of us will spend more than fifteen years at school in order to get the qualifications that are required to work in a specific field. Two important steps that we go through are high school and college. Even though some people would think they are almost similar, there are significant differences between them. Throughout this essay one should see many differences in high school and college in the areas of expenses, relationships between teachers, amount of work required, and the social environment. It is true to say that college is more expensive than high school. Of course, it provides a higher level of education, but by having such high fees it does not give a chance to them. In college students must have buy their own books whereas in high school they borrow them from the school for a year. As they do for high schools, the government should pay for the books and then borrow them to students, as they do in high schools. Paying for education can get expensive, but many people have to pay even more. Many cities do not have colleges, so students who want to get a higher education have to move away to another city where they will be provided the education they need. This often involves paying for an apartment, food, and sometimes for the bus, which is not, unlike high school, free. Clearly, college is a lot more expensive than high school. However, the cost is not the only thing to consider when comparing high school and college. The relation between teachers and students is also quite different. At high school, they see their students lower than them, not as equals. To tell the truth, it is very hard for high school students to become friends with their teachers, because of the fact that they are seen as simple students who have nothing to learn from their teachers. However, at college, it is easy to have a friendly relation with a teacher because their st...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Multiculturalism issues and economic-based solutions Essay - 1
Multiculturalism issues and economic-based solutions - Essay Example nd Smrekar (2000) came up with an idea of magnet schools, these are public schools, in minority neighborhoods, that aim to attract white students, even from outside attendance zones. The student bodies in school are racially balanced because of desegregation orders given to these schools. It was then found that in such schools there was higher demand for student enrollment, teacher turnover was low, and more importantly it provided social integration. Kerr in writings has also build up a case for citizenship – the process of intensifying cultural influence through mutual contact .It is suggested that this matter be taken up formally in schools, so that diversity is taken as a source of social cohesion in the society. But this matter of citizenship though taught in schools cannot be followed as such in true spirit, because, economic consequences of wars, oil crisis etc. has resulted in restructuring democracies, in meeting welfare needs of their people
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Longitudinal study vs survey methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Longitudinal study vs survey methods - Essay Example This kind of a study is special in its nature in that the researcher is not required to interfere with the subjects of the study but, is required to use the same subjects in the conduct of the several phases of the study. Thus, a longitudinal study can establish a sequence of research events during its conduct. This form of study is very beneficial to a researcher in the sense that one is able to detect the changes or developments in the characteristics of the test subjects (sample population) either at the individual levels or at the group level. 1. Hutto, C.J., Yardi, S., & Gilbert. E., (2013). A Longitudinal Study of Follow Predictors on Twitter. CHI , 1-10. 2. Rajulton, F. (2001). The Fundamentals of Longitudinal Research: An Overview. Special Issue on Longitudinal Methodology, Canadian Studies in Population , Vol. 28 (2), 169-185. 3. Diamond, L. M. (2008). Female Bisexuality From Adolescence to Adulthood: Results From a 10-Year Longitudinal Study. Developmental Psychology , Vol. 44 (1), 5-14. 4. Huesmann, L. R., Moise-Titus, J., Podolski, C-L., Eron, L. D., (2003). Longitudinal Relations Between Children’s Exposure to TV Violence and Their Aggressive and Violent Behavior in Young Adulthood: 1977–1992. Developmental Psychology , Vol. 39 (2), 201-221. 5. Farrall, S. (2007). ... The chart below shows a summary of the benefits and challenges faced by this research method as shall be discussed later in the essay. PART 3 Survey method is a research method that studies individual units that have been sampled from the main population as well as the techniques of the data collection used in the survey such as the construction of the questionnaires. Consequently, a survey research method would look into the accuracy of the survey responses as well as the methods that can be used to improve their number. In most cases, the researcher undertakes the surveys so as to be able to make statistical inferences regarding the population under study (Zikmund, 2013). The chart below shows a summary of the benefits and challenges faced by this research method as shall be discussed later in the essay. PART 4 Longitudinal Research Method Survey Research Method Refers to an observational study that is conducted upon the same subjects or sample through the gathering of data repeate dly over a period of time. This period of time may extend to even one year or beyond like a decade Refers to a research method that studies individual units that have been sampled from the main population as well as the techniques of the data collection used in the survey such as the construction of the questionnaires. Benefits Challenges Benefits Challenges 1. It does allow the researchers to easily identify any changes or developments that may occur in the characteristics of the target or sample population both at the individual and group levels. 1. The observations by definition are not independent. As such the study must always account for the data dependency. 1. It is relatively easy to develop and to administer especially when using advanced survey
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Ford Upmarket Essay Example for Free
Ford Upmarket Essay History In 1989 Ford bought Jaguar for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.5 billion as the vehicle to take Ford upmarket into the luxury car market. After three years of Ford been in charge sales had plunged and Ford was losing à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1 million a day from Jaguar. Ford saved Jaguar by cutting jobs and replacing nearly all of the facilities and procedures. Now 80% of the workforce has been replaced by Kawasaki robots with are cheaper in the long term, able to work constantly and are accurate to a tenth of a millimetre. They started making cars with the aim for the cars to be the best quality and therefore more desirable. With better quality and brand sales increased and Jaguar started new models e.g. the S class and increased production and within the next few years hope to be top in the luxury car market. Ownership The owner Ford holds a larger market share which includes: Aston Martin, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lincoln, Mercury, Volvo Cars and a 25% share in Mazda. This could be good and bad for Jaguar. Ford might see Jaguar as expendable and might be willing to dissolve the company or to sell it to another of the big car companies as it has Aston Martin and Land Rover for its luxury target group or if the company is not profitable. So Jaguar needs a strong emphasis on profit. If the company was taken over there might be a divorce of ownership where control and objectives might not be achieved therefore weakening the companies position. This is where the board do not act in the interests of the shareholders and managers may try to improve their own careers or bank balances while not worrying about the companys interests. Jaguar is a self-contained business that makes all their own decisions from designing new models, their finance and producing cars through their own board of directors who are elected at Jaguars annual general meeting by their shareholders. These directors would have contact with Ford so they would know what Fords plans are for Jaguar and departments e.g. Finance would interact with Ford to update them with Jaguars current performance. Ford has incorporated Jaguar, which means they have a separate legal identity, which diminishes some of their responsibility. So if Jaguar where to go bankrupt Ford would only be responsible to pay back the money they have put into the company. Because the company has limited responsibility it is able to gain wider borrowing opportunities, this allows the business to grow easier. This also has its disadvantages this adds to the administrative costs due to the accounts need to be audited. They also have to hold annual meetings of shareholders and they must publish annual reports to the general public when requested. Because Jaguar is independent to ford it is able to make its own decisions while enjoying the additional skills e.g. parts, contacts, technology, and higher skilled staff. This was especially import in the early years when Ford bought in specialist managers reform the companies employee structure and cultures and to overturn the company into a profitable organisation. With the extra skills Ford bring this improves the quality of the cars and increases sales. With the increased skills and capital Jaguar has been able to expand and grow. Jaguar is a public limited company where shares in the company can be bought across the stock market. Because of this Jaguar has to produce an annual report and detailed reports to shareholders and potential investors therefore this means extra administrative costs. Been a public limited company makes it easier for Jaguar to raise extra funds, they can sell more shares or they can get lower interest on loans because they are seen by lenders as a lower risk investment. Suppliers also offer listed companies better credit facilities because they are considered less likely to default payments. Like BAS Ltd in Gwent, Wales that produce trim for some Jaguar models. A company like this likes to have a guaranteed regular income and a big company like Jaguar provides this. To attract Jaguar BAS Ltd are likely to offer more attractive credit facilities. Because anyone is able to buy shares in the company it is open to takeovers. If someone buys 30% of the shares they must put an offer in for the whole company. The trouble with being a public limited company for Jaguar is the stock market investors place a lot of emphasis on short-term performance rather than long-term objectives. So if Jaguar invests a lot of money in the development of a new model the short-term performance might drop but will increase dramatically in the long term. Jaguar is very beneficial to its ownership. When Ford took over Jaguar it helped it upgrade its designs and manufacturing facilities as well as new models. It also provided high-class managers to revive the company and provided suppliers, technology while still allowing Jaguar to run its company itself. Controlling design, finance, production issues though their own board. The limited liability allows Jaguar to take reasonable business risks e.g. investing in a new car model. Jaguar been a plc allows it to raise funds if needed but leaves itself to takeovers which could lead to the companys position been weakened. Been a pubic limited company places emphasis on the importance of short-term performance. Objectives Each Organisation has objectives, which must be achieved in order to fulfil the corporate aims. The purpose of these is to create a common vision, which everyone in the organisation should work towards achieving. Businesses exist to provide goods and services these have to satisfy the customers wants and needs. The objectives of a business are set to show the employees the way they need to operate. The seven main objectives for any business are: * Making a profit * Increasing market share * Surviving * Providing services to the community * Offering non-profit services (e.g. caring for the environment) * Developing staff skills * Producing a high quality products or services Making a profit is key for a business to survive and prosper it allows the business to keep its shareholders happy, it can attract better employees by offering higher wages and it can invest in better technology and therefore producing a better quality product. The failure to make a profit leads to a loss of confidence within the company. This causes a ripple effect, if a business makes a loss the employees are less secure and fear they will lose their jobs which can lead to less efficient production, the shareholders profits go down so they sell the shares which devalue the company, the suppliers are worried if they will get paid for they parts or services and they might stop providing parts for the company until they are paid and the government are worried because they will receive less tax if the company is making a loss. Though the opposite happens if the company is making a profit the employees fell safe and secure so are happy and willing to work hard the shareholders dividends increase so they are happy and making a profit will make the business seem a good investment so more people buy shares and therefore the value of the company increases. The suppliers feel secure and believe they will get paid on time for their goods and services and the government are happy because they will receive higher taxes from the company. Profit can be closely associated with increasing sales/ or market share normally companies with high sales levels or which have a large share of a particular market are best placed to make high profits. Most large international firms like to have a high market share as an objective because it enhances the image of the organisation and places the business in a strong position compared with rivals. This makes the business look like it has ambition and makes the workers feel safe if they know the company is expanding rather than reducing jobs. Most small businesses starting ups main objective is usually to survive. Survival is about continuing into the foreseeable future, the company may not be the most profitable straight away but if it still exists there is a good possibility it will in the future when the company gets better known and gets more customers. For example Microsoft didnt make a profit in their first year but they survived and within years there yearly profit was in the millions. Survival is not necessarily only for small companies sometimes large companies need to survive. Currently Royals Mails main objective is to reduce the current loses in order to survive. They where losing a million pounds a day but due to job cuts, more efficient work practices and the increase in the price of stamps they are slowly reducing the losses. Most organisations include objectives related to developing people at work in their list of objectives. Businesses now recognise many new ideas come from the workers and it is usually the workers themselves who deal directly with the customers so it is important to develop the skills of the workers so they interact better with the customers and ensuring the customer is entirely satisfied. Workers would need to be trained to use any new technology and money can be saved if current employees can be trained to use the technology rather than new workers been needed. Many companies aim to produce high quality products but not all always succeed. Providing quality means the customers are totally satisfied with the product and the companies want the customer to keep buying their product. The most expensive product is not always the best quality the key for businesses is to make the best quality product they can for their cheapest price. Quality is very important because the customer will choose which organisation to do business with on the basis of their ability to satisfy customer requirements and usually the customer choosing the best quality product. Jaguars business objectives are: * To produce a high quality product * To create a good reputation for the company * To have high satisfaction * To be profitable and to keep costs under control * To recognise environmental issues * To train employees and to keep all staff completely safe in their working environment Jaguars aim to produce a high quality product is key to their success, they try to build their reputation on this and this provides customer satisfaction so customers repeatedly buy Jaguars. Jaguar try to keep a high reputation based on providing a high quality product, for a competitive price and to provide excellent customer satisfaction through the product, dealers and customer services. Jaguar been profitable is vital for the company to be able to expand and to keep the shareholders happy. If they are making a profit they will attract more investors, which mean extra money the train staff and integrate new technology into the production process. Jaguar aim to keep costs under control so the customers pay the least amount they have to it also allows the company to maximise its profit. Jaguars aim to recognise environmental issues is a non-profit making objective but it enhance the working environment making the workers happy and it improves the companies reputation Because it is seen to be caring for the local area. Jaguars aim to train staff enables them to make decisions on behalf of the organisation. This makes them more independent workers and more efficient workers. Functional Areas A business has several resources at its disposal known collectively as factors of production. For each production process the producer will need a wider range of resources before production is possible. Factors of production can be divided into land, labour, capital and enterprise. At Jaguar the land is where the factory is located, it is also all the resources of nature. Labour is the effort by worker to carry out specified tasks. Within Jaguar there are many functional areas and labour would be used on the production line, marketing specialists, car designers etc. The capital can be either physical capital in the form of machines and at jaguar the robots and production line. Capital can also be the money usually borrowed from banks to purchase the physical capital. Enterprise is the factor that brings the other factors together to produce the goods. At Jaguar the enterprise is the shareholders of the business and the management team s initiative in bringing together the various ele ments to form a successful business. Jaguar is split into several functional areas in order to carry out its operations involving the use of factors of production to produce a high quality product. Each of Jaguars functional areas needs to work together through good communication to process resources into final outputs. For example the human resource department needs information from the production department so they know what staff training is required or if any new staff are needed. The main functional areas within Jaguar are: * Finance * Production * Research and Development * Human Resources * Marketing * Administration Each department has a director or manager who has set responsibilities, which need to be carried out for the department to meet its aim. Production Department The production manager at Jaguar is responsible for making sure the components get turned into a finished car. The manager needs to ensure work is carried out efficiently and to the highest standard possible through checks and supervision. At Jaguar the production process can be split into five sub-functions: The production and planning department, The purchasing department, The store department, The design and technical support department and the works department. The production and planning department sets targets for each cell on the production line, each cell will have pre-set values of what the standard of the product must be when it leaves if its not up to standard it will be rejected. A comparator checks the product as it leaves the cell and checks it against the pre-set value. The comparator has the power to change the inputs or the processes in the production line to ensure outputs are of the expected quality and quantity. At Jaguar the production process has been refined so there is little chance of the product not been up to standard and they have researched and use the best suppliers, all this leads to the product been of the highest standard. The purchasing department is responsible in ordering the components for the cars from the different suppliers so the production process is kept running smoothly. The store department at Jaguar is responsible for stocking all the components used in the production process and to ensure the parts are transported onto the production line when required. At Jaguar this is vital, parts need to be on the production line so the line is kept running and doesnt need to constantly stop. The design and technical support department is responsible for researching modifications to working practices, the department is responsible for estimating costs of these new processes. The works department at Jaguar is split into small cells, which are responsible for their part in the production process. The cells are responsible for the maintenance of the production line, the actual manufacturing of the car and the quality control and inspection of the product. Finance Department The Finance department can be split in four functions: Financial accounting function, Management accounting function, the cashiers department and the wages department. The financial accounting function is responsible for keeping day-to-day records and is responsible for producing the annual reports and figures for directors meetings. Accounts must be kept of all money paid to suppliers and the money paid to Jaguar from dealers from sales. The management accounting function provides managers with figures to help them make decisions about the company. For example figures showing the best place to produce the cars to maximise profit while still keeping quality high. The cashiers department at Jaguar would be responsible for all the cash transactions and other payments through bank accounts. The wages department will be responsible for supervising the payroll. Calculations involving deductions for national insurance, pensions etc would be required. Human Resources The purpose of human resources is to recruit, develop and utilise the companys personnel in the most efficient way to meet the companys aims and objectives. Basically they recruit or train staff to make sure all work is done thoroughly so aims and objectives can be made. Companies recruit staff to ensure they have a suitable number of employees with appropriate skills for all tasks to be completed. The three stages are: 1. Researching from other departments to determine the requirements of the company. 2. Getting candidates with the right skills and experience to apply. 3. Choosing the best candidate for the job. Companies will need to recruit staff when: * An existing employee leaves due to retirement or going to another company. * An employee is promoted, creating a vacancy. * An increase in workload occurs. * The company requires employees with additional skills to develop a new project or control new technology. The best companies will have the best workforce and the most efficient workforce, which are able to adapt to tasks set and any difficulties if they occur. To do this they need to attract the best staff when a vacancy arises. Most human resource departments would produce an outline of the qualities they would look for in the applicant and would help produces criteria to select the best candidate. The vacancy can be filled to ways from within the company or from the outside. There are two types of training, which are on the job training and off the job training. On the job training is the process of instructing employees at their place of work on how a particular job should be carried out. This usually watching an experienced operative carry out a task, or actually undertaking the activity and been guide t the appropriate technique. Off the job training is any form of training not immediately linked to a specific task. It may take place within the firm or away from it e.g. at local technical colleges. Remuneration is the whole package of rewards offered by an organisation to an employee. This will include additional benefits, such as a pension scheme, share options, company car etc as well as basic pay. Administration The administrative department is important because it services the work of the organisation. The department deals with enquires, communicating messages and producing documents for the workforce. At Jaguar the admin department is responsible for communicating the times of meetings to employees and they produce word-processed documents for notice boards communicating safety issues etc. Problems can happen when administrators clog the process with red tape this is where administrative work moves the organisation away from its central objectives. Within the admin department the role of information and communications technology is important. ICT is the techniques by which information is obtained, processed and disseminated. ICT is important because it provides guidance, support and co-ordination necessary for t the companies to meet its objectives. Marketing The marketing department need to identify want the company wants and then needs to get the company to produce what the customer wants. They do this by carrying out market research to find out what the customers wants, the price they are willing to pay and what the customer would like the product to be. At Jaguar they recognise people want quality cars for affordable prices and Jaguar try to do this. They allow the customer to choose the specification of the product so they get want they want and don t have to compromise. It is important for the marketing department within Jaguar to communicate effectively with the production planning department so the customers wants and needs can be tied in with the product. The other main job of the marketing department is sale this is to get the customer to want what the company produces and this is usually done through effective marketing. Jaguar does this through television advertisements, the formula one car, sponsoring events, brochures etc. Research and Development At Jaguar the research and development is used to developing new ranges and models through concept cars, which are expensive to produce, but it is cheaper to produce a prototype then see what the public think of rather than mass-producing a new model and then it didnt sell because the consumers didnt like it, it would a financial disaster. Because in the car market there are always new cars been bought out by Jaguars competitors new improved products are vital for the company to remain successful. The R D department is also used to create new operational processes. The R D department of Jaguar also gets money to do exploratory work which produces no benefits in the short time but the development of new technology or better parts can be beneficial in the future of Jaguar. How These Functional Ares Help Jaguar Meet Its Objectives Because Jaguar had a clear set out list of objectives these can be translated down to the different functional areas, this allows each functional area to be driven by the companys objectives. Jaguars clear objectives of: * Producing a high quality product * Training employees and keeping a safe working environment * To create complete satisfaction These clear objectives allow the functional areas to combine effectively and allow to company to pull together and work in a co-ordinated way. Without these clear objectives Functional areas might have different views in how the company should move forward, this leads to areas creating there own objectives and cultures and they companies overall aims dont get achieved. The use of ICT within Jaguar allows the functional areas to work effectively and they dont have to be in the same building. For example the marking department in one place can tell the production-planning department in a different place what the customer wants so this allows the customer to be completely satisfied with the product. The cells in the production process allow Jaguar to effectively meet its objective of producing a quality product because the quality of the product is been checked at every stage on the production process. Jaguars marketing department sustains Jaguars high reputation through effective and positive advertising, and through promoting things like Jaguars aim to help environmental issues. Organizational Cultures The culture of a company is the attitudes and approaches that typify the way staff carry out their tasks. The culture type of a company depends on the companies objectives and the culture of a company, because of this there are four main culture types: Power, Role, Task, Person. Power cultures are usually found in small businesses where control rests with a single person or small group of people. Emphasis is on individuals rather than group decision-making so decisions are made quickly and they are able to react to dangers or threats. Because this style is autocratic and staff can suffer from low moral. Task cultures are usually found where work is organised into teams with people moving between tasks. The objectives will be related to the task the teams are performing. Teams have input in determining how a particular job will be done. In person cultures the objectives are related to meeting the needs of the individuals who make up the organisation. Person cultures are found within co-operative organisations or charitable organisations but not profit making enterprises. Jaguar has a role culture, it is structured in a hierarchical way and the organisation is divided into a number of functions. In Jaguars culture power comes from the employees position in the organisation. The organisation gets its strength from its functions, peoples jobs, what people do at different levels is determined by job descriptions and defined communication procedures. Rules and procedures are the main source of influence and power comes from the persons position in the company. Because Jaguar have this culture there administrative function need to efficient and the company need clear objectives because red tape can effect them meeting their objectives. From Deal and Kennedys model of culture based on Risk and feedback Jaguar has a work ha rd play hard culture. Jaguars employees take few risks, all with quick feedback; the primary cultural value is to supply the customer with a quality product. Management Style Management style is the way a management role is carried out over a period of time. There are three main types of management style: Autocratic, Bureaucratic and Democratic. Autocratic managers are used to giving instructions. There is a strong emphasis on authoritarian management and communication within the company is usually one-way. The advantages with this is there are clear lines of authority and everyone within the company knows who is boss, important decisions can be made quickly and if the leader is skilled and charismatic it can produce high quality work within the business. The trouble with this style is employees can feel frustration and resentment towards the boss, the employees can become too dependent on the leader and the employees have no participation in decision making. Bureaucratic management styles rely on doing thing according to the rulebook and because of this there is little opportunity for initiative to be shown. The advantages with this style are: it can produce consistency, everyone knows where they stand and employees can feel comfortable because of the predictable. Employees can show resentment towards the management because of the lack of participation, the rulebook doesnt always have the answers and this style is useless if there are circumstances of great change. Managers at companies need to adopt the necessary management style to develop a flexible workforce. When workers are allowed to contribute to decisions they feel more valued and more of a part of the company. The managers are responsible for achieving the overall objectives and strategy of the business. Jaguar has a strong emphasis on democratic management. Production line workers are grouped into cells with a team leader. The team is given production targets to meet but then decides how it will go about meeting these targets. The team meets to discuss what is going well and what is going badly and suggest ideas for improvement. The team then has the responsibility for putting their own ideas into practice. Several factors affect the leadership of the management these are: The skills of the manager and the workforce, the time constraints of the task, the risk and the nature of the risk. Within Jaguar there is plenty of time to discuss matters and only a low chance of it going wrong, the style is therefore democratic. Jaguars approach to management makes the employees more motivated and they show greater commitment. Managers need to be flexible to allow for change in circumstances in the company. Importance and Channels of Communication at Jaguar Communication is important within a business because it allows management to plan, coordinate and control a business but this needs high quality two-way communication. For communication to be effective it needs to be communicated the best way and at the most effective time through the best channel. These factors will depend on the type of information which is needed to be passed on with Jaguar large amounts of data in accounts would be best communicated in a report but a reminder of a cell meeting might be better in a notice on a board or through face to face communication. There are many channels of communication used within Jaguar and different types of communication. The methods of communication at Jaguar are: * Downward communication * One-way communication * Two-way communication * Formal communication * Informal communication Downward communication is where information goes from the top down, from superior to subordinate. One-way communication is when information is passed on with no feedback at Jaguar this communication is used when notices are put up. Two-way communication is where information has feedback through discussion. This allows Jaguars employees to suggest improvements or changes to managers. Formal communication is where information is passed on using the companies communication channels e.g. departmental meetings, cell meetings at Jaguar. Informal communication uses the workers own channels e.g. work of mouth. The methods of communication at Jaguar are: * Corporate videos * Annual reports * Team briefings * Memos * Letters * Faxes * E-mails * Internet * Television * Brochures The methods of communication are not only to allow the workers to know what is going on in the company. It is also is important to communicate to existing and potential customers. They do this television adverts, brochures, the Jaguar website, and promotional tours and videos. Effective communication can improve motivation and lead to better decision making internally; it can also provide better links and feedback with external groups such suppliers and consumers. Because Jaguar has a strong democratic management style it is vitally important to have effective two-way communication because the views of the employees are vital for improvement and motivation. Jaguar is a large company with many layers in their employment structure, which can cause problems with communication. Poor communication can lead to poor motivation, co-ordination and control difficulties. The employees can also get confused of what is required from them and what input they have. How the production process adds value Adding value to a product simply means making it more desirable to the final customer so the customer is willing to buy more products at higher prices. To add value to a product the product needs to meet the customer requirements or inputs need to be combined to create a physical change in the product. Most businesses use one of the following methods of production * Project production * Job production * Batch production * Line production * Continuous flow production. Project production involves binging people with different skills and different resources to complete a one off project. Job production is where a company produces one or a small number of items. The company may work on several jobs at a time so it is important that they have new jobs to replace the ones that are nearly completely. Batch production is where a number of identical or similar items are produced in a set or batch. Batch production involves work being passed from one stage to another each been highly planned. The items need not be for any specific customer but are made at regular intervals in specific quantities. Continuous flow production involves producing for twenty-four hours a day, using automatic equipment in a standardised way. Continuous flow is entirely controlled by computers and humans do not touch the product. This means there are fewer labour costs and very few mistakes the production line is also quicker and more efficient. Jaguar use a line production process this is where the product goes along a production line going through the same sequence of operations. The trouble with this has been the car buyer wants there car to be different and distinctive in some way. Jaguar have recognised the customer requirements and now allow the customer to personalise there car, by allowing them to choose interior, colour and mechanical spec. Customers appreciate this and are willing to pay slightly higher for this. Nowadays the customers recognise good quality and are willing to pay extra for it. Quality Management is achieved by Jaguar by: * Quality Control- detecting and cutting out components that fall below set standards. * Quality assurance, which tries to stop faults form happening in the first place. Jaguars aim is to produce zero defects. * Total quality management is concerned with creating a quality culture. Jaguar try to get every employee to seek to delight customers. They aim to produce zero effects by ordering components from reliable suppliers who themselves have a total quality management culture. To improve quality Jaguar has introduced robots and automation into the production process. Automatics are when a machine can be set to do a particular job and robotics is an application of automatic control. The benefits of using robots are: * People can be replaced by robots in mundane jobs, where human intelligence is not required; at Jaguar this is the routine assembly work. * Robots can be used where working conditions are difficult or dangerous * Robots are used during the welding process and are accurate to a tenth to a millimetre and it takes them seconds compared to humans who make mistakes. The introduction of the robots requires large initial capital but they dont get paid wages or have days off. And are able to produce perfect work over and over again making Jaguars are of the highest possible standard. Jaguar uses CAD, CNC, CIM and CAM to improve quality and the product as a whole. CAM stands for computer aided manufacturing. It is the use of computers to support the manufacturing process. CAM controls the robots and the track, it controls the speed of the machine so they are working in the most efficient way and CAM is a driving force in line production because of its high levels of quality control. CAD stands for computer aided design and is the use of computers to assist in the production of designs and drawings for the use in the manufacturing. This allows Jaguar to test new production techniques on the computer to test them for faults and problems it is also used by the design team to view new designs rather than making models. It allows Jaguar to be more flexible and safes time. CNC is used to control machines for cutting and shaping metal. Jaguar uses this because it is more reliable than humans and improves quality and reduces waste. CIM stands for computer-integrated manufacture this is used to integrate various elements of the manufacturing process. Design is a key aspect of adding value; a well-designed product will stand out from rivals and win customer loyalty. Good design can offer functionality, style and visual impact. This is why Jaguars R D department and design and technical support department have large budgets and spend long periods of time perfecting the design so it stands out and adds value.
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