Friday, December 27, 2019
Good Pandora Stations for Homework and Studying
Almost everyone has a smartphone these days, and with it comes the ability to rock out to music whenever the mood strikes. Since Pandora Internet Radio is probably the most well-known place to grab free music on the go, and tons of students love to listen to music while they study, it only stands to reason that people might need some advice about choosing the best Pandora stations for studying and homework. Genre Pandora Stations When you log in to Pandora, you can choose an artist, a genre, or a song to get started. A musical genre is simply a style of music. Rock is a genre. So is punk. So is jazz. Pandoras site does have genres such as country and classical and hip-hop, and it also has a set of genres that have more to do with the overall emotional flavor of a collection of music rather than a particular genre. Pandora has a comprehensive and frequently updated genre list that you can browse to get started. Since researchers are at least agreed that quieter music without lyrics is the most conducive music to study to (barring no music at all), here are a few genre Pandora stations that may be ideal for you to study by. Some are instrumental only, and they cover a wide range of musical styles. Instrumentals Fifteen million listeners cant be all wrong: in Pandoras Instrumentals genre youll find everything from Dr. Dre to bluegrass to techno to jazz. These instrumentals are basically tracks from some of the top names in the business without the words to mess with your brain space; theres even a specific station called Instrumentals for studying. Quiet Tracks Willing to risk some lyrics? Pandora has three muted genres that might work for you. Pandoras Wind Down genre includes a collection of stations such as the Buddha Bar, with surreal lyrics, modal harmonies, and a slow-moving bass line. The Chill genre contains stations that are mostly acoustic playlists, with an emphasis on calm, sedate music. Styles range from coffeehouse-style folk music to pop music versions to classics, country, and indie channels. Pandoras Easy Listening channels include the light side of movie soundtracks, show tunes, cool jazz, solo piano, and light rock. New Age and Classical Pandoras New Age genre has several channels perfect for taking your anxiety over that deadline down a notch or two. Here youll find music suitable for relaxation, spa, ambient, and a whole range of subareas of New Age music types: instrumental, acoustic, solo piano, and beats. Just dont fall asleep. The Classical genre has a number of good channels that might trip your studying trigger: classical guitar, symphonies, renaissance, baroque. A Classical for Studying Radio channel promises a New Age aesthetic and an overall meditative sound. and a channel for Work might also do the ticket. In the End, Its All Between the Ears Its quite possible that some people do better with background music: people have different tastes, different study habits, and different ways of handling noise and distraction. Surveys of students themselves often say music helps them concentrate, keeps them company, alleviates boredom, and helps them learn faster. With free music sources like Pandora and Spotify, selecting the exact music you need might actually be a distraction in itself. Is Music While Studying Even a Good Idea? A few scientific studies have been conducted on the effect of music or other background noise on maintaining concentration. Most report that the best studying environment of all is silence. Since all music processing uses cognitive capacity, the theory goes, listening to music could impair task performance involving your brain. Most of the studies, however, have been relatively unsystematic and somewhat inconclusive, because so much depends on an individual students preferences and study habits, and the enormous number of musical genres available. If students study with music playing, they seem to perform better when the music is calm and they dont engage with the music. In other words, dont sing along, for example, or dont pick music that you either dont like or like too much. Your emotional response to music does add to the distraction value: music that is too stimulating or too sleep-inducing will also be a distraction. So: if you are the kind of student who needs music as a background to study, to act as white noise to keep other peoples voices or the radiators banging or personal worries out of your head, keep it low enough that you wont actually pay much attention to it. If you find yourself singing along, change the station. Sources Cassidy, Gianna, and Raymond A.R. MacDonald. The Effect of Background Music and Background Noise on the Task Performance of Introverts and Extraverts. Psychology of Music 35.3 (2007): 517-37. Print.Furnham, Adrian, and Lisa Strbac. Music Is as Distracting as Noise: The Differential Distraction of Background Music and Noise on the Cognitive Test Performance of Introverts and Extraverts. Ergonomics 45.3 (2002): 203-17. Print.Hallam, Susan, John Price, and Georgia Katsarou. The Effects of Background Music on Primary School Pupils Task Performance. Educational Studies 28.2 (2002): 111-22. Print.Kotsopoulou, Anastasia, and Susan Hallam. Age Differences in Listening to Music While Studying. 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. University of Bologna, 2006. Print.Kotsopoulou, Anastasia, and Susan Hallam. The Perceived Impact of Playing Music While Studying: Age and Cultural Differences. Educational Studies 36.4 (2010): 431-40. Print.Umzdas, Serpil. An Analysis of t he Academic Achievement of the Students Who Listen to Music While Studying. Educational Research and Reviews 10.6 (2015): 728-32. Print.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Queen Elizabeth Essay - 966 Words
Queen Elizabeth was born on September 7, in 1533 to a royal couple by the name of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She pertained a strong personality and strong political skills in overlooking marriage proposals and intensely flirting with many available suitors. She reigned over England without a king or children (Britannia: Elizabeth 1). Her father was known for the execution of his wives. The king had announced that any daughter would be illegitimate to the line of succession because his upcoming sons would be highly favorable to the throne (Thomas, Heather). Anne Boleyn was killed by the king for not providing him with a son, but a daughter who would live to be a legend of English times (Thomas, Heather). Elizabeth grew up†¦show more content†¦Whether this was true or not, Elizabeth was arrested and put in prison. She was moved around to different prisons for a little over a year. However, when Queen Mary I started to become ill, her husband, Philip of Spain, called Elizabeth out of prison to develop a friendship with her, since she would take the throne when Queen Mary I would die (Putatunda, Rita). According to Green, this coronation to the throne took place on January 15, 1559. The new queen started to take advantage of all the new opportunities. She started horseback riding more. She also took up hunting and hawking and enjoyed watching jousts and theatre (Green, Robert 53). Elizabeth was also strong in her Catholic beliefs. Heather Thomas writes that she reestablished a Protestant Church and became the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, which was to please those attending (Thomas, Heather). Britannica states that she was a Conservative Protestant. She liked traditional style of worship and did not believe in executing people for their religious beliefs (Britannia Encyclopedia-Elizabeth I). Marriage proposals became a daily routine. Regard her beliefs for the matrimony; she used the proposals to frighten enemies or to even draw them in. However, she came close to marriage twice in her reign (Putatunda, Rita). One of which was a near proposal with RobertShow More RelatedQueen Elizabeth: The Virgin Queen922 Words  | 4 PagesEngland.†-Elizabeth I (Add Intro) Queen Elizabeth was famously known as â€Å"The Virgin Queen†for never marrying. She refused to share her power. Queen Elizabeth was born in 1533 and she and her sister were claimed to be illegitimate by her father, Henry VIII since he was looking for a male heir to his throne. Her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed by her husband Henry VIII for what historians believe was false charges of adultery and conspiracy when Elizabeth was just two. Elizabeth stayed at HatfieldRead MoreThe Queen Elizabeth And Elizabeth1104 Words  | 5 Pagesthis was George VI and Queen Elizabeth with the two princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Corporate Financial Management for Employees -
Question: Discuss about theCorporate Financial Management for Employees. Answer: The employees of the tertiary sector take into consideration various features during the time in which they make any fruitful decision regarding the investment of the contribution for superannuation of the employees. As the rule says, the employees must make a contribution of a portion of their incomes for the account meant for pension of the company members. The objective of the policy of superannuation of an entity is the elimination of the issues relating to monetary matters from the part of the society (Besley, 2016). The system in consideration offers support to the in providing financial aid to the workers post their retirement period. This is provided by the organization as payment for the pension. The system of superannuation in all probability gives assistance to the employees by providing them a significant earning after the workers retire. But the amount of profit is varying, and it depends on the decisions that the employees take. Effective decisions must be made by the e mployees of the tertiary sector regarding the investment of the contribution to superannuation. Two options exist for the employees regarding this matter, and they can make the choice of any one benefit plan or plan for investment choice. In the case of the benefit plan that is defined, the payment of the advantages is made to employees at the time during which they retire. In the event of the particular method, the exact amount is got by the employees as was promised by the organization during the time in which they took important decisions about investing in the contribution for superannuation. In the case of this plan, no profits are earned by the employees from the way the assets perform, and they are also not affected due to the loss or low performance of the property. The company bears the risk entirely hence it detains the earning from the assets also (Appannaiah, Reddy and Putty, 2010). As an alternative, the plan of investment choice gives the opportunity to the employees f or making a selection of the scheme for investment in accordance with their need and also by their capacity to take risks. In the plan of defined benefits, the computation of the advantages is done with the help of the given formulae: Benefit of retirement= salary benefit the duration of membership lumpsum factor average service fraction The employees who make the choice of the defined plan of advantages for investing in their contribution to superannuation to the organization normally possess some particular obligation in the future. They are not able to take the risk of not receiving their assured payment from that account which is kept for providing the superannuation contributions. Asset pools that are decided by the organization for the employees for investing the contribution to pension regarding the benefit plan which is defined (Britton and Waterston, 2013). As far as the defined benefit plan is concerned, the benefits that the workers get are defined from beforehand, and the specific benefits are obtained by the employees at the time during which they retire. The benefits are not impacted by the performance level of the assets where there is the investment of their contribution to superannuation. As far as the defined benefit plan is concerned the benefits that the employees would get is determined from before. The employees derive exactly the same benefits and price during the time of retirement. Hence the company is responsible for funding the benefits of the defined plan. The employees who have taken risks capacity in the preferred investment choice plan for the investment of their superannuation contribution in the company is getting an appropriate return regarding the investment made (Hamersveld and Bont, 2015). It is selected the investment plan which has the substantial market risk as well chance for making more profits. The employees can choose the range of collection under this investment choice plan is the secure fund. In this secure cash and interest securities in Australia. In the Stable fund, the bond securities and protected interest, that it gives the coverage the domestic plus foreign assets and shares the balanced deposit in domestic plus foreign assets, shar es the private equity a well as infrastructure. The alternative combination of the investment plan can be chosen by the employees of the territory sectors. The income and the lifestyle of the employees also depend on the selection of the employees. The time effect on the money value and the inflammation is also based on their selection process of the employees. The decision of the employees also based on the risk factors and the portfolio of the company. The place of investment of the fund is entirely up to the employees. They should take the decision that when and where they should invest their balance. The capital of the investment and the secure future of the employees are totally based on the ruling of the employees (Helbk, Lindset and McLellan, 2010). The employees are interested in the in that investment plan which can provide then low- risk and more benefits from the investment plan during their retirement. According to the superannuation, the employees can get more secure fu ture and more profit from their investment. The pension program of the companies always provides the support to life and the requirements of the employees after their retirement. The investment plan should be chosen by the employees in the correct manner. Only that can get those maximum profits and the financial security for their family. The time value of the money is the most important thing which should the employees keep in their mind during the decision-making process (Parrino, 2015). The future of the employees of the territory sector depends on the developed rules and regulation of the company. The creation of the benefits of the company can be shown by the gains achieved by the employees. The employees should think about the profit and security of the money during the investment and the decision-making process. The superannuation policy and the encouraging employees are the primary targets for adopting the investment plan. The benefits of the employees are related to the rules and regulation governed by the government. Every employee contributes three percent of their salary in the superannuation policy, and after that, it is increased by 9 per cent of their salary to the 3 per cent of their salary. The company always suggests the employees contribute a portion of their salary to the superannuation investment. At the retirement stage, the investment planning and the pension policies provide the employees sufficient income for their lifestyle (Powers and Needles, 2012). In the financial market, the mutual fund and the superannuation are known as the largest investors. As pe r the formula of defined benefit plan the company provides the advantages to the employees at their retirement stage. This method includes the benefit plan, age, salary of the employees, work duration of the employees. The employees never are able to get the advantages of the profits get by the company. The superannuation policy refers the full funds of the defined benefits to the employees. During the retirement, the employees who select the investment choice plan on pension policy can earn profits in invested contribution and can distribution the profit in the management and the administration charges. Under the investment option plan, the employees of the territory sector can nominate a portfolio for the contribution of assets to the superannuation policy. To get more profit in future, the employees should take correct decisions during their investment (Spiceland, 2010). The appropriate support of the retired employees can be represented by the proper framework of the investment plan. To secure the future, the superannuation policies are provided to the employees by the company. The proper explanation of the work can be the financial resource of the employees which can involve the facilities indicated by the structure. The superannuation policy shows the reservation of the income and can secure the future of the employees through the fund. The superannuation scheme involves the benefits of the both employees and the company. After the retirement, this policy shows the proper description of the burden of their work, which can support them in their retirement stage. By adopting the investment plan, they can quickly face and overcome their burden of work (Stice and Stice, 2014). It is apparently determined that the efficient market by the growth profile and the predictive prices that are included for illustrating in the market features. It is conducted in the proper hypothesis of the active market by showing the gathering of the information made during the evaluation of work (Vives, 2008). It is easily illustrated by showing the conduct in the market efficiency achieved in the presentation of the records and also the reflections are made for explaining the marketing characteristics that it is continued in the market. It simply illustrates the reflection of the future security which is being done for the person by showing the security of the cash for their future purpose. It is appropriately carried out the construction of the trade and the commerce by explaining the fixed prices for the growth. The involvement of the various viewpoints is quickly presented for showing the theories engaged in the improvement of the forms of the security costs. It is also incl uded the safety prices in the growth of the market (Holton, 2012). It is simply elaborate the reflection of the future security which is made for the person by showing the safety of the cash for their future use. It also represents the development of the stakeholders who are directly involved in the execution of the measurements and the facts by illustrating the changes requisite for overcoming the difficulties. It is the vital factor for the development of the efficient market in the economy of the country. It is the important responsibilities that must be carried out for the elaboration of the economy of the country. The growth of the market can be easily made by showing the formation of the appropriate work structure. It is also included the implementation of the various policies by indicating the changes in the market price, and it also enables to overcome the problems as presented in the market. The purpose of showing the growth in the market, the categories are divided in the form of weak, high and semi-weak rates which reflects the consistent standards present in the market (Welch, 2014). In the hypothesis, it also shows the involvement of the private and public companies that enables in indicating the growth of the overall economy of the country. It is also represented the work structures that is depicted to be fruitful as explained in this case. The growth of the study and also the involvement of the work are being made by showing the explanation of the work. It also represents the construction of the work that is indicating the arrangements of the study. Therefore, the structures of the economic development of the motives of the benefits are made by illustrating the overall growth of the economy by showing the explanation engaged with the help of reflections. It is the analysis that the showing the personal growths and the benefits as it is included in this case (Weil, 2017). Thus the appropriate representation of the work is made by showing the expl anation of the arrangements that are made for the analysis. References Appannaiah, H., Reddy, P. and Putty, R. (2010).Financial accounting. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Besley, S. (2016).Corporate finance. [Place of publication not identified]: Cengage Learning. Britton, A. and Waterston, C. (2013).Financial accounting. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Britton, A. and Waterston, C. (2013).Financial accounting. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Hamersveld, M. and Bont, C. (2015).Market research handbook. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley Sons. Helbk, M., Lindset, S. and McLellan, B. (2010).Corporate finance. Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education. Holton, R. (2012).Global finance. 1st ed. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Parrino, R. (2015).Corporate Finance. Singapore: John Wiley Sons. Powers, M. and Needles, B. (2012).Financial accounting. [Mason]: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Spiceland, J. (2010).Intermediate accounting. Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Stice, J. and Stice, E. (2014).Intermediate accounting. Mason: South-Western/Cengage Learning. Vives, X. (2008).Information and learning in markets. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Weil, R. (2017).Financial accounting. [Place of publication not identified]: Cengage Learning. Welch, I. (2014).Corporate finance. Los Angeles: Ivo Welch.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
ReignComs Global Outsourcing
Introduction ReignCom prides itself as a well renowned electronics company. In addition, it is also an entertainment company. As a matter of fact, the company has its headquarters in South Korea. It should be known that is the parent company of Funcake entertainment and iriver. Iriver manufactures Mp3 players while Funcake provides entertainment services (GDN, 2011, p. 18).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ReignCom’s Global Outsourcing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As far as our case is concerned, the company has various challenges that it is currently facing in the market place. In this case, there are market changes in Mp3 players. This therefore forces the company to come up with a new business strategy and supply chain to enhance its activities (Simchi-levi, 2007, p. 15). In a broad perspective, the new business strategy will have various effects on the company’s supply chain. Discussion Reign Com is currently faced by a tricky market situation that needs to be critically looked at for sustainability. The company is facing a saturated MP3 market and this is a worrying trend. To deal with this situation, the company has to come up with a new business strategy that will enhance its sales around the world (GDN, 2011, p. 14). This is because it has a presence in various markets with diverse and distinct needs. Other challenges have been brought about by an increase in competition. In this case, it should be known that the MP3 market has a lot of players. Therefore, for a company to be profitable and successful, it should have an effective supply chain to reach various markets at the right time (Hugos, 2006. p. 28). As far as the supply of MP3’s is concerned, there are various security issues that need to be sorted out. This is because the company needs to protect online shopping while giving customers a good experience that will leave them satisfied. It will be wise fo r the company to enhance its security measures to reach many customers and attract others for sustainability (GDN, 2011, p. 27). The company has also been faced with a challenge of reaching far markets. This can be blamed on its business systems that have hindered its supply chain as time goes by. Because the market is almost saturated, the company needs to review and enhance its business systems to support its supply chain and reach as many markets as possible. The company’s supply chain strategy is based on value addition and that is why it has been growing as time goes by (Hines, 2004. p. 34). As a matter of fact, it has been enhancing its supply chain relationships with different businesses to reach different markets.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The old strategy of value addition will continue to work in future because the market is saturated. To make it susta inable, the company needs to review this strategy to suit different markets because of competition. Although China has a wide market, it has a lot of products and this has created a lot of competition. In this case, the country is highly competitive. Therefore, the company needs to enhance research and development to come up with new products that will make it unique in the market (Hugos, 2006. p. 45). This will give it the customers that it needs for long term sustainability. Conclusion As far as supply chain management and business strategy is concerned, the company needs to enhance its business systems. This is because business systems and overseeing product development are related to a sales and marketing (Hugos, 2006. p. 11). As much as the company might have a good supply chain, it needs highly innovative products to compete well. This will likely increase its market share and dominance. Through this, the company will be highly successful and this will make it more competitive . The strength of such an initiative will be seen in competitive advantage (Hines, 2004. p. 4). The only weakness can be seen in the replication of the company’s adopted strategy. Wholesomely, ReignCom has a great future through good product development. Reference list GDN. (2011). Reigncom Ltd Officially Changes Name To iriver Ltd. Web. Hines, T. (2004). Supply chain strategies: Customer driven and customer focused. Oxford: Elsevier. Hugos, M. (2006). Essentials of Supply Chain Management. New York: John Wiley Sons.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ReignCom’s Global Outsourcing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Simchi-levi, E. (2007). Designing and Managing the Supply Chain. New York: McGraw Hill. This essay on ReignCom’s Global Outsourcing was written and submitted by user Angelica Pennington to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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