Wednesday, November 27, 2019
MUHAMMAD AZIZUL RAHMAN BIN RODUAN Essays - Zoos, Apoikozoa, Filozoa
MUHAMMAD AZIZUL RAHMAN BIN RODUAN MC 160100277 Impact of Cell Phones on People: Pros and Cons Over the years, the world has witnessed a booming number of cell phones. They are dramatically changing the way people contact, communicate, interact or socialize with each other. It is apparent that cell phone has had a profound influence on personal lives. However, not all of the impact of them could be positive nor negative, this is because the existent of these multifunctional tools have both pros and cons and the side effect is obviously made or judge based on the user itself. Recently, people who is actually living in this deep world of communication era now days belief that this communication devices has an advantage to bring significant fortune or profit to the agencies, companies and marketers, and whenever this cellular phones become popular, many of the tech user started to recognized that this incredible outstanding devices is qualified as a need for them. As developments in communication continue, cell phone devices become more advance and sophisticated. For example, cellular phones are now equipped with greater multiple functionalities, thus, making these electronic devices essential in the communication system of any businesses. Indeed, cell phones are always connected to the Internet, via a data network, mobile broadband or Wi-Fi connection. However, the very things that make cellular phones so convenient and useful are the same things that can stop user in their tracks with a dead battery. The more application and programs running in the phone, the more energy it needs to perform. Even though battery life is drain out, cell phones still consider as a source of unlimited entertainment. The things which we never thought would be present in a cellular phone are now possible. Which means cell phones have come into existence which not only helping in making calls but also help out user to stay entertained by allowing the user themselves to play games, listen to music and do lots of other stuff. Although cell phones had a bunch of possibilities to the majority of society there is also a disease came along with it, such as causing a distraction and addiction. It is true that people are now getting a numerous number of advantages from a single high tech cell phone but these communication technologies also have several negative impacts. For example, using cell phones too often could probably be harmful for human's health as it can increase the risk of brain cancer and lacking of face to face communication is also the result of using cell phones. Instead of going out or finding an alternative ways to prevent laziness, many people still prefer to stay at home and use their cell phones to connect to others "online" In conclusion, we can see how cell phone is capable changing our cultures in both good and bad ways. Even though these devices have brought people from different parts of the world closer together, it does not mean it has not alienated the people closest to us. As useful as cellular phones are, it is important to use them accordingly and not make them our lifeline to the outside world. Communication consists of verbal and non-verbal cues and this is what makes us feel close to one another and measure should be taken to ensure this does not stop. Is keeping animals in zoos acceptable? In recent years, zoos are consider as a place where animals from around the world are kept and technically animals are being forced to be taken away from their natural habitat, where there are naturally existing food sources, enemies, and placed inside of a cage that keeps out all of animals which consists of only a small percentage of the naturally occurring flora and fauna to which the animal is accustomed. With no natural predators or food sources to hunt, many animals will lose their natural instincts, which are necessary for survival. This prevents reintegration into the animal kingdom and leaves them sentenced for life in a zoo. However, there is no doubt that zoo's main goal is to ensure that these overall animals were protected from the midst of a global extinction crisis. Not only zoos play a critical role in fighting for wildlife extinction,
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Turabian Format
Turabian Format The Turabian format has been used for citation for decades. In fact, Turabian footnotes and bibliographies have become standard at some universities. By embracing the principles and guidelines that Kate Turabian put forth, you can be sure to create crisp and correct language for your term papers, each time. The Ease of the Turabian Format Perhaps the best part of using the Turabian format for citation is its sheer common sense. There are few quirks and tricky spots involved. Furthermore, each instruction is peppered with examples for clear comparison and comprehension. The Turabian format includes two separate types of citations from which you can choose. Whether youre interested in formal footnotes, or gravitate towards parenthetical citations, the Turabian format can accommodate your writing needs. Because the Turabian method was developed by a dissertation secretary, this style appeals to lower and higher education levels alike. If you are looking to create notations in Turabian format, you might consider investing in Turabian Style software. Using this software, you can create citations in Turabian format in a matter of moments. With easy to use interface, these programs can often streamline your writing process, and make citations a snap.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Democracy - Essay Example The original site offered a window on the structures and processes of American government. It had extensive links to government departments, and was used by researchers and interested observers both within and outside the United States to locate official documents, and a host of news and debate. From the perspective of the government it provided an opportunity to explain controversial issues and decisions, such as foreign policy moves and legal developments. American democracy was laid out for the world to see, and the site provided a uniquely detailed exposition of the mechanics of government. Different ornganizations, their committee structures, funding , role descriptions and agendas were openly available for all to see. Users could inform themselves about emerging issues, and track back the history of any government decision through the website. A system of tabs and links made navigating the original site very intuitive. In contrast to this the current Ame website is a simple headline title with a search function. This means that users can still search the original content, but only via a keyword search. There is no visual structure any more, and this vastly changes the function of the site. Information is now fragmented and much more difficult to locate.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Internet Use in Real Estate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Internet Use in Real Estate - Essay Example Using internet in real estate marketing; for the years industry analyst had predicted a growth in internet uses and fundamental changes in the real estate services, though the number of the internet users continue to grow, changes in the real estate services have not been that fundamental. The increase in the use of internet, specifically the World Wide Web (www) in the past ten years or so has been exceptional and has impacted almost every sector in developed nations. Among the most significant aspect in individuals' lives, is their housing condition. In many western countries this is normally a residential property which is owned by the person occupying it. Thus owner-occupiers have a high interest in the way residential markets operate. Which the trend in the market changing and many real estate firms adopting internet as a marketing tool, for selling, advertising and listing, this paper will seek to find out how the use of world wide web and e-commence has impacted the real estate industry and how a company can adopt the use of internet in its operations (Baen and Guttery, 1997) To address this subject, the study paper will carry on, along the following field: internet will have to be defined for reasons of theoretical clarity; e-commerce, definition and essentials, and functions will be underscored; reasons for real estate using e-commerce will be discuses, and how to create an effective website for real estate companies will be discussed at length; and lastly "a way forward" in terms of a conclusion will be provided How the characteristics of e-commerce make it a new force in business operations What is e-commerce E-commerce is the trade of services and products by means of computer networks or the internet. Chan, Lee, & Dillon, (2001) defines e-commerce as selling and buying of goods or services using electronic media it follows the basic principles of traditional commerce but in this case, buyers and sellers swap commodities through the internet for money. In e-commerce sellers and consumers of products transact business over networked computerized processes. This has offered maximum convenience to buyers and sellers alike. (Kroll, 2000) Buyers in this form of business get the opportunity to compare prices, quality and other factors before deciding to undertake the transaction. The buyer gets advantages of saving on physical transport costs and he/she can a product even from far place on a click of the mouse. Importance of e-commerce as a strategic component of real estates business E-commerce serves as a vital strategic tool for companies. When e-commerce is well used in real estate compa
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mathematics & everyone everyday Essay Example for Free
Mathematics everyone everyday Essay Mathematics is used in the lives of everyone everyday. Whether it is used by engineers designing a machine or by clothes shopper determining how much they will save, all use math and mathematic concepts. Mathematics has also been used for at least seven millennia by many of the early great civilizations. Many of those civilizations became very dependent on the use of math to create their great empires. The importance of math has not diminished since its infant years. Because of its importance how it is presented to students has become equally important. Only 30 years ago most students did not have calculators to aid them in learning. Today, high-tech calculators can carry out extremely complex mathematical equations in a fraction of a second. This has created a debate on whether or not the use of calculator benefit or hurt students. More specifically the debate is about how much use of the calculator should be used in the classroom. There is much debate on the research as to whether it truly helps or hurts students to over use or under use calculators. Much of the debate is based on subjective approaches to the research data as each side is trying to claim as much ground as they can in this debate. Both sides wish the best for the students want to see the students excel. However, they cannot agree on whether the calculators advance their mathematical education. History of Math Mathematics is a concept that has been around since the earliest records of written language. The oldest archeological mathematics discovery was found in Swaziland, Africa where a 170,000 year old Lebombo bone with notches chipped into it (Williams, 2005). These marks seem to indicate days in a month by adding a notch for every day that passes. Unfortunately, much of the history of how math developed is left to interpretation of archeological finds. Some speculate that the designs of monuments and buildings seem to have a geometric understanding, but that is entirely up to interpretation. As civilizations began to emerge two in particular developed complex mathematical systems: the Babylonians and the Egyptians. Around 1850 BC, the Babylonians developed a base-60 system of mathematics. This system seems to be modeled after how the Babylonians viewed time. They divided the day into 24 hours, with each hour having 60 minutes and each minute having 60 seconds. This is the same system that is used to describe modern time. This base-60 model seems more complicated compared to the modern base-10 system, but the Babylonians only had to learn two characters as opposed to learning 10 characters in the base-10 system (St Andrews, 2000). This mathematical system helped sustain one of the most powerful civilizations of the ancient world. The Egyptians also developed their own form of mathematics. They developed a base-10 system around 2700 BC. Part of the Egyptians desire to learn mathematics had to do with understanding time. The annual flooding of the Nile River was a very important event in Egypt. The Nile River was the lifeblood of the entire civilization and its annual flood ensure that the ground would be fertile enough to grow crops. Because of this important event, it became necessary for the Egyptians to find a way to calculate when the annual flooding would occur. Once their mathematical system was born, it was applied to other areas of their civilization, particularly in building. The result can still be seen with the Pyramids. The Greeks took mathematics to a high level along with the Chinese and the Indians. The biggest contribution the Greeks gave to math was removing unknown concepts and applying logic to math. Math and logic have definite similarities in that both have problems with absolute answers. The logic minded Greeks applied these concepts to mathematical principles. However, the Greeks logic limited their use of irrational numbers. This made their form of Algebra somewhat inadequate and some speculate that it set back mathematical progress several centuries (UL, 2008). Both the Chinese and the Indians were able to calculate the formation of pi. However much of early Chinese mathematics was destroyed during the book burning before 202 BC. Much of what as written is speculation based on works written after the burning. The significance of Chinese mathematics is how well it thrived while its western counterparts fell into a dark period. The Indians developed the concepts of trigonometry and would later develop an early form of calculus (Dutta, 2002). With the exception of the Muslims, mathematics entered a dark period. Throughout Europe, math was neglected along with many other sciences. However, in the 12th century, many European scholars sought after scientific texts the Arabs had translated. The created a rebirth in European interests in mathematics. With the Arab texts, the Hindu-Arab numerals were introduced and eventually became the norm of mathematic script. By the time the Renaissance period began, the interest in mathematics exploded. Navigation brought an interest in detailed maps. This spawned a need for trigonometry. From this point forward, math advanced continued to expand. In the 17th century, Isaac Newton discovered both the laws of physics and modern calculus. John Napier developed the concept of decimals which helped replace the limitation of fractions. Since the 17th century, many more development is the field of mathematics has been made. Math is now applied to most fields of science. Scientists have found that math has proven particularly accurate in the fiends of chemistry, astronomy, and physics. Along with reading math has become the foundation of all learning. History of Calculators The earliest form of calculators was known as abacuses. These simple devices helped in the arithmetic calculations. They were often made with a wood frame with beads strung across the frame. Each string would represent a different base unit. One string would represent an individual unit, another 10 units, another 100, and so forth. The Roman and Chinese abacuses were very similar in this respect. So much that some speculate whether the two were developed together through trade. No evidence has been found to support this other than the similarities (Messina, 2008). These early calculators can be found in some places today where technology is not thriving such as rural town in the Far East. The first mechanical calculator was invented in 1623 by William Schickard. He invented a machine called the Calculating Clock that could do simple adding and subtracting up to 999,999. Beyond that, a bell would indicate a numeric overflow error. Although this machine could only add and subtract, John Napier, in 1617, discovered a logarithm that could calculate multiplication and division through adding and subtracting (Smart Computing, 2008). In 1822, Charles Babbage came up with the idea called a difference engine. This mechanic device could store up to seven numbers of 31 characters each. He later developed another model called an analytical engine. This device was steam driven and was around 100 feet by 30 feet in size. This machine could hold 1000 number of 50 digits. All four arithmetic operations plus square roots could be calculated by this machine. Unfortunately, eight years after Babbage died in 1871, the British Association for the Advancement of Science recommended against the machine and thus no government funding would be provided to complete the machine (Stanford, 2008). Other calculator inventions came during the 19th century but it was in the 20th century that the calculator can into its own. Mechanical calculators began to be more prevalent in major suppliers. Two World Wars helped advance calculators through the use of computers and microelectronics. In 1955, IBM introduced the first transistorized calculator (IBM, 2008). Three years later, Casio introduced the first compact calculator. However, it was Texas Instruments in 1967 that introduced what is the predecessor to the modern hand held calculator. By the 1970s, pocket calculators began to enter the market place. First in Japan, these calculators could perform simple computations. The only problem was the calculators were very expensive, a tape display, and its power supply was limited. These problems were fixed through several innovated solutions. First was the Liquid Crystal Display screen, or LCD. The LCD allowed the calculator to display the results on a screen that can change rather than using thermal paper that was both cumbersome and needed constant replacing. Another novel concept was the use of replaceable batteries. This meant the calculator could truly be portable and not limited to an electrical outlet. Over time the power consumption of the calculator was reduced and solar panels were able to power the pocket calculators. This further freed users to use the calculators where ever they needed them. Calculators have now becomes commonplace in homes, businesses, and schools. Calculators have become powerful enough that pocket calculators can now calculate complex algebra and calculus equations in a fraction of a second. Computers and the Internet allow for even more levels of complexity.
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Business Plan For An Online Store Marketing Essay
A Business Plan For An Online Store Marketing Essay In this computerized era, shopping online has never been so common and popular. This is the new trend where people nowadays actually prefer to purchase stuffs via online. Why? They dont have to go out all the way to a shopping mall, they get to find really good and cheaper bargains and online goods actually comes in more variety! These are also the purposes of us setting up a blog and introduce our services and goods via online. Customers can actually go to our blog ( or go to our Facebook page (!/pages/Malacca-Town-Malaysia/Accesorized/143106969046004?ref=mf) and browse for our products. Right after theyve made their decisions, we will process their orders and within 2-3 days they can receive their purchases already. Convenient, isnt it? Our main business is to introduce affordable and good quality bags to all the females out there. Every girls love to buy bags. Hence, the business! We will also introduce a wide range and variety of different designs that you can never get in brick-and-mortar store in shopping mall. Scope Our scope will be just click and mortar store. We do not have any capital to set up a brick and mortar store yet. We are currently just students, on top of doing this business for BEL subject, we ourselves also would like to try some other alternatives to earn some side income for us. Next, we will only sell our products within Malaysia only. Anyone from Malaysia will be able to purchase our products. Our target market are more to females, aging between 15 years old and above. Females above 15 years old and above appear to be more financially stable than females who are below 15 years old and hence, they are able to purchase our products. Males are welcome to purchase our products as well if they intend to buy our products and give it to their mother or siblings or even friends. We expect our main customers to be Malaccans. This is simply because we will promote our products more to friends around us, and also because of the availability of COD, where people actually prefer to not pay for the additional postage fees. Limitations and Assumptions Our main limitations will be capital problem. We do not have much capital to do all ready stocks and buy hundreds of stocks for our customers to choose. Therefore, we will find a supplier who can supply us stocks, and our main job is to help her promote her products. And for every items sold, we are given some commissions. This method does not include any costs, and at the same time we can earn money. So why not? Secondly, our limitations will be transport problem. We are still students, and most of us do not have cars here. The only transportations available will be bus and taxi. In order to COD with a Malaccan customers, we will normally ask them to come to collect their goods around MMU Melaka. We are unable to choose other pick up points like Jusco or Melaka Sentral or Tesco simply because we do not have transport. Lastly, our knowledge in creating blogs are really limited. We are unable to hire professional webpage designer to help us design a really user-friendly webpage. We can only count on our own to come out with a webpage to publicize our products. Therefore, our website is just mediocre and not that appealing to people who have high requirements on blog designs. Besides, our blog also lack of certain functions. Stakeholders Our first stakeholders will be our customers. Most of our fund will come from our sales revenue. Second stakeholders will be the bag supplier from Taiwan, where we purchased our stocks under Batch A from them. Our third stakeholders will be our main bags supplier from Malaysia, which falls under Batch B products. Last but not least, we are our own businesss stakeholders because all the 5 of us come out with RM 550 total as a capital to start up our business. Acronyms definitions There are a few acronyms and definitions where you can find in our blog. Here we are going to explain them all out to clear our customers doubts. EC simply means Electronic commerce. PM means personal message, where customers can directly send us any pm in order to reach us. B2C simply means business to customers business, which exactly explains what we are doing. Click and mortar means we only have online stores, do not have any brick and mortar stores out there. While brick and mortar simply means a physical store outside. COD means cash on delivery, where our customers pay us on the spot we deliver the goods to them. Business Plan Executive Summary Electronic Commerce requires each of us to form a group consists of 5 people. And we are required to set up a blog and sell our goods to our customers via online. Firstly, we will be setting our blog via The link to access our blog is We basically get this idea from a group of American hard rock band named Guns N Roses. To make it sound more girlish, we changed to crowns and roses. The title for our blog will be Accessorized! Simply means that our products can be your accessorizes for your outfit of the day. We try to figure out and come out with some simple yet sophisticated layout, making sure that everyone loves the blog layout, feels attracted to it, and at the same time its user-friendly. We will have a few clickable links on our blog sidebar, where customers can view our products by categories. Not only that, we will also provide delivery method, payment method, Terms and Conditions for our customers references. The main objec tive of our blog is to make the customers feel that our business is trustworthy and reliable. Business description The main products that we are going to sell in our blog will be bags. We will be having a few series of bags for sales. Firstly, PG bags. This PG bags are a very well known brand in Taiwan. Sadly, Malaysia doesnt have this bags selling in any shopping complex. This brand is so famous because it is always updated with the latest fashion trend, always comes out with new arrivals, and most importantly, the price is very reasonable. Most of the bags price range are within RM 20- RM 60, which are affordable to all females. To make sure we get the authentic products, we have searched for a middle man to help us purchase the bags from Taiwan. So our products are directly imported from Taiwan and 100% quality assurance. Money back guaranteed if they are not authentic. We will price our products within RM 20-RM 60 as well. Selling bags bring us desirable profits, and the stocks are easy to handle as well. Operational plan Operation plan is all about how the business will operate and how for us to deal with the customer when they are purchasing our goods. Our blog business will be operating everyday including weekend too. The duration will be 24 hour and 7 day a week without rest. The blog will be updated with new products from time to time so that our customers can purchase latest design of the bags that suit them. Besides, there are also a chatbox in our blog, to those customers who are in doubt regarding our products, can always leave the questions at the chatbox there, and we will reply them according to their questions as fast as possible. The stocks of the bag will be replenished once the ready stock for now is finished, currently we have 18 bags ready stock, the customers can get their stocks right away with COD or postage method. For the dealing method, we will use poslaju for the postage method or we can also have a COD( cash on delivery) session around MMU Melaka with the customer if only the y are willing to come over here to get the bag. For the posting rate, it is RM8 flat no matter how many bags you purchase. Only applicable for residents in West Malaysia. For east Malaysia residents, the rate will be RM 12 no matter how many bags you purchased. Regarding the payment method, we have both Cimb account and Maybank account, both of the accounts can be used to pay for the bag. This will make the customer more convenient as they can pay online without going through all the hassle by going to the bank to deposit the money in the bank. Financial Report Targeted Sales (units) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 6 Week 7 Week 9 Week 10 Week 12 Week 1 Week 2: There are no sales for this period because of the preparation for business plan. This is when we discuss, plan and decide on what to sell and which supplier to get from for our online business. Week 3 Week 6: Within this period, we start to create our blog and Facebook to advertise and start to promote to our friends. We got not much response from customers because this business is still new to them. While promoting our products, the bags that we order directly from the supplier in Taiwan has finally arrived at the end of Week 6. Week 7 Week 9: After few weeks of promoting our products through blog and Facebook, our online business finally start to have some feedback from our customers. Therefore, we target to sell about 5 bags for the beginning and from what we had targeted, we actually manage to reach our target sales within this period of time. Week 10 Week 12: From the response that we get from our customers, we target to sell around 10 bags in these 3 weeks. Our online business is quite successful because we had achieved our target sales again. Although the profit is not much but we hope that our sales will slowly increase from time to time. Below is the income statement of Accessorized e-commerce business: Income Statement For the Three Months Ending August 31, 2010 RM Net sales 795.00 Less: Cost of goods sold 666.80 Gross profit 128.20 Expenses Postage 24.00 Net profit 104.20 MARKETING PLAN Market analysis Target market Our target market will be female. Nowadays, not only teenagers move towards fashion but also middle-age female. Female teenagers are the most important target market. Throughout the trendy world, female teenagers are getting trendy and very particular about fashion. We are taking this opportunity to target female market as selling the most fashion bags. By selling best possible price, we believe that they will be affordable to purchase our products and we have faith in attracting them towards our fashion bags. Besides that, we will target middle-age women as one of the popular markets too. As adults, they are mostly having a fixed income so that they are willing to spent more money in order to purchase their lovely and interested products. Positioning We will set up in customers mind to show that our online business of selling bags is something that brings fashionable to them. Nowadays, female love to buy many types of bags in order to match with their dressing according to occasion. To make our business more attractive, a lot of display photo are post in the blog so that customers can have moe clearer picture about our fashion bags. To do this, customers should well know about our bags each time they recall the word of fashion. Pricing strategy Online business is something that brings convenience to customers and not something trouble. By starting up online business, we able to eliminate many cost. In order to making profits, we should develop few types of pricing strategy so that a best possible price can be achieved. First of all, we develop product line pricing. Product pricing is types of technique to set the price steps between various types of bags in a product line with a different price. Throughout our blog, we have categorized several of bags into different range of price to allow customers freely choose their favourite bags. Another one is psychological pricing. We fix our bags to price below RM50 so that customers are affordable to purchase. Based on psychological approach, we price each bag into RM29.90, RM39.90, RM49.90 rather than a round figure of RM30, RM40, and RM50. This is a marketing strategy to influence customers mind that the products are cheaper than round figure. Customers are more likely to purchas e our products due to this attractive strategy. Promotion plan Promotion plays an important role in business. A well promotion plan should be develop in order to attract huge customers to buy our products. In promotion plan, we use direct marketing. Subscribe mails are one the way to promote our business which giving sufficient information about all the description related our products and delivery and payments methods so that customers can know more about our business hence they can promote their friends either word-of-mouth or through online. By mailing to one customer, it can be possibly indirectly spread the news to others. In addition, we will come out with lucky draw section through the blog. For those customersm are selected, they have chance to get a free gift. Next, we use online media to develop an advertisement at Facebook, twitter or e-mail in order to create awareness about our blog. Facebook is kind of very popular media that used by everyone no matter what country you are. So we taking this opportunity to create a group named Accessorized and place a lot of display photo in Facebook. Not only that, we will take real photo with the bags to show that the reality of the bags. Customers can have a clearer picture about the quality and design of the bags. If customers have any inquires, we able to communicate diherectly with customers and reply them from time to time. Besides that, delivery and payment method, term condition are stated clearly and details hence customers will be convenience when they feel interested and can making order directly from us. This may pass an effective message and information to create awareness about out blog and the related products for customers understanding. Furthermore, Facebook can show that number of people like our page and information can be updated quickly so that customers can get the latest and effective news for our business progress. Last but not least, sales promotion is an effective strategy that affects customers purchasing decision. The promotion include that we create member special benefit which purchase one bag can automatically become a lifetime member. Members are entitled 5% discount on every purchase of bags due to limited time to period. This is a sales promotion to attract more customers delight and satisfaction. And also, customers who purchase 2 bags or more simultaneously will entitled free postage. By implementing sales promotion, customer attraction can be achieved towards our fashion bags. Distribution plan There are two types of delivery method which available to customers. First method is Cash on delivery (COD). Customers can make cash payment directly when they are nearby to us. The areas are only available in MMU Melaka. For instance, as we are MMU student, students who study in MMU purchase our products are able to pay cash payment and can get the products directly. Another way is postage where our products are in delivery services by using postage. Customers may charge postage fees when they purchase our products. We are using pos laju to deliver our bags. To remind that our business is within Malaysia only, so there will be two different prices in West and East Malaysia. For West Malaysia, it will charge RM8 flat whereas East Malaysia is RM12. No matter how many bags customers purchase, the charge are the same. Demand forecast To determining the forecast regarding to quantity of a product that customer will purchase, we focus more on female. Females love to shop and they are probable to buy our products. In addition, they treat bags as a fashion and they are most likely to buy many types of bags in order to suit with attire according to occasion. Thus, we can forecast that females are our target more and they will demand more. We will be doing a survey regarding the popularity of products to prove that our forecast is reliable and to estimate the quantity of our products that customers will purchase. Estimated people who involved with this survey will be approximately 50 people. Questionnaire This survey will only perform to 50 female: Do you like our bags? YES NO Have you ever purchased any products through online shopping before? (state what products) ____________________ Which price range appear to be affordable to you? RM20-30 RM30-40 RM40-50 RM50 and above OTHERS_________________ Do you think our bags are fashionable/up to the current trend? YES NO Which type of bags will you prefer as stated below? Sling bag Handbag Wallet/Purse COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Example of competitor SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Internal External Positive Negative Our strengths (S) are to provide some tips for the buyers to differentiate between the authentic and fake products. We are definitely selling authentic products where the bags have their own brand sign in it. Customers are confident to buy our products with a full trust. We also provide some tips and tricks to match bags with the attire of the day by our models. In addition, customers are able to search for all the detailed information about our products, order and delivery service and payment method throughout our attractive blog. Feedback and QA from our customers are highly encouraged so that we can to communicate and solve problems faced by customers. Our main weaknesses (W) is that customers cannot try the bags on their own to identify whether the bags really suit their preferences or not. This is because most of our stocks are from Taiwan, it is not like any other physical shop whereby customers can look at the quality, examine the quality of the bag and also try the bag on themselves before buying the bags. Next, we will be discussing on opportunities (O). In the trendy world, teenagers like to match their attire and also, our bag designs are trendy and fashionable. Thus, we have the opportunity to attract female to purchase our bags. They see bags as kind of fashion and they will feel interested towards our fashionable bags. Our main threat is that there are already have many bag sellers selling in the online market. An example of online competitors that selling bags are: baobaopifa.jpg From the website, customers are allow to return the bags if they found any faults in the bags. This appear to be a benefit to customers but we are unable to do so. Thus, we must offer reasonable price and make attractive promotion to compete with those competitors in order to maximize our sales. And also, some of the customers prefer to purchase the bags at physical shop because they feel that it will bring more guarantees. For instance, Ecco shop is one of the brand selling various types of bags in a real shop. It is one of our competitors because Ecco shop does not only sell bags but they have also clothes and wallet. Risk Assessment We understand that every single business does carry risk. It is just different by the rate of risk that the business carry. Although there are many interruption on business that caused us to bear a huge risk, but we decided to accept it as a challenge towards the success. First of all, doubt of product quality will always be the main concern how people will think about when they do online shopping. Customer cannot touch, feel, see, and try on the product before they purchase. Hence, they will feel insecure, especially those who are having their very first transaction with the seller. We tried to overcome this problem by snapping real photos of the bags by our models. By looking at real photos, customer can have a clearer picture on the size and quality of the product. Besides, we also have this so called Chat Box and testimonial page that will allow customers to leave their comments if they have any satisfied or unsatisfied comments to voice out. Through the real feedbacks from custo mers, others will have more confidence on what we are selling on. Next interruption is that we are facing is selling price of our competitors. In fact, there are many seller that are selling exactly the same things as what we have. Sometime they are selling at a much lower price than us simply because they want to clear stock. In other words, they might be selling at a loss. We cannot follow this as we need to earn some profits to retain our ongoing business. So, how do we compete? What we can do is just to promise our customers on our products quality. We make sure that the price theyve paid definitely worth the quality of the bags we provide to them. The next interruption will be our products are less attractive to certain category of buyers. At the beginning stage of our business, we are unable to sell as much as other retailers did. Hence, we do not have so much capital to increase our stocks to satisfy our customers who come in different tastes. To overcome this problem, we fou nd a supplier that enable us to became an agent/middleman whereby we do not have to pay a single cent of capital. Although the profit was not that high but it is still able to sustain our business. Furthermore, we cannot serve those customers who prefer branded bags such as LV, and Gucci as our product status are not set as luxury line but just an ordinary product, hence this definitely caused us to lose certain amount of customer who prefer branded bags. Problem that we face during resources requirement process might also cost us a lot. First of all, the case run out stock is the most common problem among all. With the reason we are selling on first come first serve basis and each bag only limited to one unit, once the bag has been purchased, we are unable to satisfy another customer who shows the same interest. Besides, it might happen where products from suppliers do not match with what we have expected earlier on. Because this is not a face-to-face transaction, communication pro blem might happen during the ordering process. Hence, we have to seriously tell supplier what we exactly want and ensure that they provide the latest design for us in order to fit our customers taste. Blog blog1.jpg This is basically the interface of our blog. The main reason why we chose this template is because of the girlish colors, which consists of pink and red combination. And also the huge image that a girl carries a bag, totally suits to represent our blogs business. Below we are going to explain our blog in details : These are pages which consists of Home, Contact Us, Order Form, Testimonials and also Terms and Conditions. Customers can click on the button to access to the pages they want. This is a .GIF file which we will update from time to time. It works as a place for us to inform what we want to tell to our customers. We made it into .GIF file so that our customers will be more attracted to animated images and not static words. RSS button. Customers can click on the RSS button to subscribe to our blog and receive updates. Twitter button. Customers can share our blog via Twitter. Search button. Customers can search information within our blog by typing the keywords inside. blog2.jpg COD, CIMB Bank, Maybank are the three methods available for customers who want to pay us the money. Pos Laju and COD are how we deliver our products to our customers. blog3.jpg Here is a place where we will post all our contents. We will provide pictures, measurements, and also real pictures of the bags. blog4.jpg A category where customers can browse our products easier according to price and also availability of the products. A chatbox where customers can drop us questions and also testimonials. blog5.jpg This will be a place where we promote our friends EC blog as well. blog6.jpg Visitors This is a place where we check our blog view hits. Only unique visitors will accumulate the hits, not page load. Archive Customers can see how many posts we already had throughout the whole period. Feedjit This is a gadget where we can track where our customers come from. blog7.jpg Find us here! Customers can also check us out in Facebook. Right after they like our page, they will be able to browse our products. blog8.jpg Made easier for customers browsing. Customers can search keywords in our blog, see how many people are currently viewing the blog, like our blog via Facebook, share our blog to others, and chat with us in real time. Made easier for customers browsing. contact us.jpg Contact us page A page where we will provide the sellers name, handphone number and also MSN address so that our customers can ask questions directly to us. order form page.png Order form page Customers who have already selected their bags, will have to insert their information in the order form so that we can deliver goods to them. testimonials.jpg Testimonials page A place where customers leave feedbacks to us via chatbox, and we will transfer them to Testimonials page so that other customers are more convinced to purchase our products. TnC.jpg Terms and conditions page Customers must read and agree with our Terms And Conditions before they proceed in purchasing our products. This is to avoid any misunderstandings among the buyers and sellers.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mental Health Court Essay
Mental health courts are a resource given to prisoners who would normally be put in prison if they had not decided to join this special program. Mental health court is a court run program by the district attorney’s office in some counties. This program is based off of traditional court room structure but is also paired with community services. Mental health courts solve a lot of different problems within our criminal justice system. The first problem it solves is the systematic problem that we have with putting seriously mentally ill offenders in prison instead of putting them in a mental hospital or going through a mental health court program to help them deal with their illness. This gives the offenders the ability to learn how to handle their illness and stay on track to getting their life back together (Thompson, M., Osher, F., & Tomasini-Joshi, D. ,2008). People who work in the mental health court systems take the time out of their day to really take a critical look at th e issues that offenders with mental illnesses face in the criminal justice system. They help craft new ways to deal with these offenders for example with some people you need a more hands on approach in their treatment program and a soft guiding hand, but with other individuals you need to have a firmer no nonsense approach to make them realize that this is not a game but rather an opportunity to get their life back together. The mental health court really gives offenders the ability to work on major mental illnesses while working on taking care of legal issues. This is a very important step in the criminal justice system, because many individuals only committed these crimes due to the fact that they were off their medication at the time the crime occurred (Thompson, M., Osher, F., & Tomasini-Joshi, D. 2008). Mental health courts are very similar to a drug court that you would see. Mental health courts are more of a relaxed dynamic compared to your traditional court room setting. Mental health courts typically meet once a week on a specific day and at a specific ti me. Before the mental health court the case worker, probation officer, judge, and many other people apart of the mental health court process meet to discuss each individual before they see them that day. They spend this time making decisions on what to do with certain individuals who aren’t complying with the terms and also how to keep encouraging everyone who is doing a great job in the program. Mental health court is defiantly more of an encouraging environment for offenders than a traditional court room setting. You have a lot of people who truly want to rehabilitate these offenders and give all their effort to do so. Mental health court is a program that is voluntary. Offenders must opt-in to mental health court to receive the treatment that he/she wants to receive. Some places give the offender the ability to observe the mental health court process while they decide if they want to participate. Although many apply for mental health court not all are accepted into this pr ogram. In order to be accepted into mental health court you have to have had an evaluation with a psychiatrist and have been diagnosed with a mental illness. Every court varies and because of the extensive amount of disorders in the DSM which as of this year is now 800 pages long not every disorder is accepted as the right diagnosis for mental health court. While I am talking about this section I am going to use York County as an example for what is expected of someone in mental health court and what diagnostic criteria you have to meet. To be accepted into the York County mental health court you must meet the diagnostic criteria which means you must be diagnosed with a major Axis I diagnosis, which includes disorders like Bipolar Disorders, Major Depressive Disorders, and Schizophrenia. PTSD is usually only excepted when you are a veteran and then you would not go into the mental health court but into the veteran’s court that they offer. Other disorders besides these can sometimes be acceptable but they have to come with substantial evidence that it impaired their judgment. At York County an exclusion from the mental health court would be if you had any previous charges they are not resolved in other states. Not every charge is allowed to enter into mental health court some examples of that are murder, any sexual charge, any violent offense (example aggravated assault), and anyone who is classified as a violent offender. Although these crimes are excluded under the conditions under certain circumstances they might allow one of these charges to enter into mental health court. Along with a list of certain circumstances to get into mental health court York County also provides a list of prohibited medications in the treatment court so people are aware of the rules before entering. The mental health court at York County has three phases for the offenders and has listed what is expected of them and what the possible sanctions if they do not follow what is required of them (York county mental health court manual, May, 2005). I stated earlier how most mental health court programs are for a yearlong and can change depending on what happens with the offender and the treatment courts position. From being able to have the opportunity to work and observe the mental health court process I learned a lot. York Counties mental health court is not like most according to the research that I found. The treatment court there is mandatory for everyone to attend for 18 months which is why there are the three phases of this program. I think that 18 months is a great reasonable time for someone to complete this program and truly get everything they need out of it. Before you enter York Counties program besides the mental diagnosis you also need to plead guilty to all the charges that have been brought up on you. It is very important for the offender before entering the program to recognize what they did was wrong and that they need to own up to what they have done. The offender has to sign many papers including the contractual agreement saying that they are committing to program for the designated 18 months and they will comply with the entire requirements or face the sanctions that are listed in the manual. Towards the end of completion offender visits become less at York County and then if they are cleared they do not have to come back till graduation day. York County took graduation very seriously because it gave the offenders a sense of accomplishment and sometimes for some of them it was the only time in their lives that they had finally finished something. I was lucky enough while interning there that I was able to go through the end part of the mental health court journey with some people and see them graduate. Overall I feel like York County likes to give an approach of a soft but firm stand point in the treatment court. Everyone who worked there was dedicated to helping the offenders live a mentally better life and stay on track after they graduate (York county mental health court manual, May, 2005). The plea structure of mental health court is very different than the typical plea agreements you see in a regular court system. When you are accepted into mental health court the prosecuting attorney will then proceed to freeze the charges that you are currently charged with. If you have been charged with a felony typically if you complete the mental health court and do everything you were supposed to do the felony will be reduced into a misdemeanor. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor they the charges against you after successful completion will then be dropped from your record (The Proliferation of Mental Health Courts). Mental health courts like I had stated earlier do not typically take violent offenders or certain charges and this is why mental health court is sometimes longer than the actual time they would have served for just the crime. The treatment time in mental health court is usually around a yea r although it can be extended for a period of two years. The court has the right to extend the treatment of the offender if they deem it to be something that is absolutely necessary for them to do in order for the offender to have the opportunity to fully get what they need out of the program. Like I had stated earlier they are required to attend mental health court often and one of the reasons for this is so the judge can monitor them along with the other court personal. Along with attending mental health court they are required to attend all other programs and meet with their probation officer on a consistent basis in order to be in compliance with terms of the treatment court. Overall if they attend what they are supposed to over time the amount of attending the treatment court will lessen towards the end of their treatment. The amount of time that the offender spends in treatment court should not go over the maximum time they would have spent in prison or on probation for their crime (Thompson, M., Osher, F., & Tomasini-Joshi, D. 2008). Mental health courts often reach out to other resources in the community to give the offenders the ability to continue on their path to recovery after the treatment court ends. They provide resources like counseling services after, group meetings to keep them on track, and job placement to keep them an active and productive member of society. All of these resources give the offenders the ability to keep on track an d give a smoother transition back into the community. I think that this is almost if not more important than the treatment court itself. So many times we see that these offenders end up recidivating because they are put back in the same situations that they were in before without any resources to keep them on track. Community resources are a really good thing that the courts do and hopefully continue to do in the future with these courts (The Proliferation of Mental Health Courts). The short term goals of mental health court would be to help offenders get into treatment for their mental illness and reduce the amount of people that we currently have incarcerated. Usually each mental health court has its own set of goals specifically designed for them but they usually fall into basically the same thing. Some of the long term goals for mental health courts is to increase the public safety by hopefully reducing the crime and recidivism rate with the offenders, to encourage treatment amo ng the mental ill community within the criminal justice system, lessening the cost on the community by using the corrections institutions, and overall improving the quality of life for the population of mentally ill people in the criminal justice system (Mental health courts a primer for policy makers and practitioners, 2008). Mental health courts have many benefits to the community and the criminal justice system. Overall in most areas they have been decently successful. Down at York County District Attorney’s Office with my experience in mental health court many people completed the program, but sometimes it really depended on the drive the own individual had to really change their life and turn it around. They contribute to the cases moving faster through the criminal justice system, help the communication between the criminal justice community and mental health communities, and help the offenders with true mental illnesses learn how to deal with them. Mental health courts have had good support from the community and funding which makes this program possible. I do believe that these courts are a great asset to the criminal justice system and help the community with mental illness. So many of the state hospitals in Pennsylvania have closed it has created a large amount of the prison population with mental illnesses not receiving the proper treatment for their disorders. I believe that mental health courts are a great way to reduce the prison population and give people who truly need those resources the opportunity to get them. Each and every county is working hard to serve the offenders the best they can in this court. The idea of treatment court has room for a tremendous amount of gro wth and I only see it becoming an even better system in the future of our criminal justice system. In conclusion from the research that I conducted I found that mental health courts that took a softer approach on their offenders and led them the right way with a gentle hand were more successful. Building relationships with the offenders during this process is just as important as them following through with the proper treatments. Holding them accountable and guiding them are two of the most important components from what I observed. Like I had stated earlier mental health courts have a bright future in our criminal system and seem to do more good for society than harm. References Mental health courts a primer for policy makers and practitioners. (2008). The Proliferation of Mental Health Courts. Center for Court Innovation. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Sept. 2013 Thompson, M., Osher, F., & Tomasini-Joshi, D. (2008).Improving responses to people with mental illnesses: The essential elements of a mental health court. What have we learned from evaluations of mental health courts?. (N.d.). York county mental health court manual . (May, 2005).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Diversity and Inclusion in Work with Children Essay
Equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people Assignment 1 Within a school, equality, diversity and inclusion is very important. It is their duty to make sure all children have equal access to the curriculum. Whether they are a different race, culture, gender or have a special need or disability, it is important that they are supported and have a right to participate and be treated equal; this is known as inclusion. As part of this it is important that schools and other professionals support and promote cultural diversity in schools and the wider society, breaking down any discriminatory barriers to learning. (1. 2) In a school participation means that everyone has to be involved and this involves the inclusion of the children. The Government is committed to children’s rights and participation. Under Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), children and young people have the right to express their views, and for these to be respected by adults when making decisions on matters that affect them. This means that the schools have to involve the children in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the curriculum on a daily basis, asking children what they think, what works and what they think could be better. Children should be given opportunities to express their opinion in matters that affect their lives. Effective participation gives children and young people the opportunity to make a positive contribution to their learning and to develop the skills, confidence and self-esteem they will need for the future. Every child has the right to access the curriculum, Equality of access. This means that children can work to the best of their ability and be treated equally within their learning. The schools have a duty to support these rights and they must be reflected through their policies and procedures and must comply with current legislations and codes of practice. The Equality Act 2010, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, Children Act 1989/2004, SENDA 2001 and SEN Code of Practice 2002 are the relevant legislations that give guidance on how to understand the children’s rights to participation and equality of access. Promoting participation and equal access makes sure that the school is meeting the 5 outcomes of ECM/HCAM and will therefore provide children with the best possible opportunities to to achieve to the best of their ability within the curriculum and their school life. (1. ) Cultural diversity provides a framework to bringing children together who would otherwise be naturally separated by cultural barriers. Pupil’s cultural development involves pupils acquiring an understanding of cultural traditions and an ability to appreciate and respond to a variety of aesthetic experiences. They acquire a respect for their own culture and that of others, an interest in other’s ways of doing things and curiosity abo ut differences. They develop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to understand, appreciate and contribute to culture. Schools have to promote cultural diversity and follow legislations relating to equality and discrimination, it is the law not to discriminate and this is set out in the Equality Act 2010. There are many ways that a school can promote acceptance and respect of different cultures throughout the school, this could be through teaching in the classroom where the pupils can explore varied cultural backgrounds, learning about celebrations that different cultures participate in for example multicultural festivals that take place different times throughout the year. Also many schools now have ‘welcome’ signs which are written in languages that pupils within the school speak, displays are also used with work of the children these are a brilliant way of showing the pupils understanding of others cultures and provides information for all within the school. All staff must act as role models and promote cultural diversity this helps reduce prejudice and discrimination and if staff are putting this in place then it will influence pupils to be tolerant of other cultures and with this helps the children understand the diverse society to which they belong. Pupils who understand cultural diversity will be more likely to participate and those of different cultures will feel more involved as they can help with the learning of their culture, with this it will help children in schools and outside in the wider society. In conclusion, schools who promote equality and inclusion through participation and a value of cultural diversity are encouraging children to ave respect for others and not to discriminate and promotes independence for the children. Children’s rights to equal access has to be supported by quality teaching, school policies and procedures. Children’s rights are protected by the law but if the schools follow the laws and provide the vital information through learning, children are more likely to respect others and appreciate their responsibilities to others.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Learning traditional Chinese with the MoE dictionary
Learning traditional Chinese with the MoE dictionary With access to the internet, students of Chinese have no lack of resources and tools to use, but sometimes it can be hard to find good resources for specifically for traditional characters. (Not sure about the difference between simplified and traditional Chinese? Read this!) While most resources provide both character sets, its obvious that many offer traditional characters as an after-thought or at least at lower priority than simplified characters. This means that the information about traditional characters less reliable and harder to access. Taiwans Ministry of Education Dictionaries to the rescue Fortunately, help is now available. Taiwans Ministry of Education has long provided various online dictionaries, but until recently, they were very hard to access and not well-adapted for the internet, making them less useful for foreign students. The current interface, however, is well-designed and easy to use. In this article, Im going to introduce some of all the available feature that are truly essential for students learning traditional characters. First though, heres a link to the main website: Note that theres also an app for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, Android and iOS, which is very impressive. Its free, too, just, click the download links in the top-right corner! The main dictionary Searches on the front page will give you: Other search terms containing the query (left sidebar)Character with animated stroke order (click the character)Historical variants with animated stroke order (click æ ·Ã¤ » £Ã¦â€º ¸Ã© «â€)Mark as favourite (click the star)Pronunciation (both Pinyin, Zhuyin and audio)Radical information (top right)Main reading with definitions sorted by word class (noun, verb, etc.)Additional readings with definitionsOther languages (usually Taiwanese, English, French and German) This is already very good for any dictionary, some functions are unique as far as I know (such as the historical animated stroke order). The only two problems for learners are that you need to have already reached a decent level to benefit from the Chinese-Chinese definitions and that the example sentences sometimes are historical and thus dont reflect modern usage. You dont want to uncritically add these to your spaced repetition program. Additional features The additional features are located in the navigation bar at the top of the page where it says Ã¥Å"‹è ªÅ¾Ã¨ ¾ å… ¸. For starters, you can access various kinds of idioms: æˆ è ªÅ¾ (chà ©ngyÇâ€), è « ºÃ¨ ªÅ¾ (ynyÇâ€) and æ ‡å ¾Å'è ªÅ¾ (xiÄ“hà ²uyÇâ€) by clicking 分é ¡Å¾Ã§ ´ ¢Ã¥ ¼â€¢ (fÄ“nlà ¨i suÇ’yÇ n) category index. The definitons are in Chinese, so this is again not suitable for beginners. There are also categories for loan-words (further divided into which kind of loanwords, which is hard to find elsewhere online). Further down, there are similar resources for Taiwanese and Hakka, but since this site is about learning Mandarin, they arent relevant right now. The last few menu entries are important, though, because they are some of the best resources available for Mainland and Taiwan differences in pronunciation, meaning and so on. Go down to å… ©Ã¥ ² ¸Ã¨ ©Å¾Ã¥â€¦ ¸ (liÇŽngn cà diÇŽn) two/both coasts (referring to Taiwan and Mainland China) dictionary and again use the category index. You now have: Ã¥ Å'Ã¥ ¯ ¦Ã§â€¢ °Ã¥ (tà ³ngshà yà ¬mà ng) same thing, different names, listing words or phrases that mean the same thing, but are called different things on both sides of the Strait. For example, internet (or network) is ç ¶ ²Ã¨ · ¯ (wÇŽnglà ¹) in Taiwan, butÂ ç ¶ ²Ã§ µ ¡ (wÇŽngluà ²) on the Mainland. Ã¥ Å'Ã¥ ç• °Ã¥ ¯ ¦ (tà ³ngmà ng yà ¬shà ) same name, different things, listing words or phrases that look the same, but actually mean different things. For instance, Ã¥Å"Ÿè ±â€ (tÇâ€dà ²u) means potato on the Mainland, but peanut in Taiwan. è‡ ºÃ§ £Ã§â€ ¨Ã¨ ªÅ¾ (tiwÄ n yà ²ngyÇâ€) Taiwanese usage lists words and phrases that are typically used in Taiwan, but not on the Mainland. Ã¥ ¤ §Ã©â„¢ ¸Ã§â€ ¨Ã¨ ªÅ¾ (dlà ¹ yà ²ngyÇâ€) Mainland usage lists the opposite, i.e. language that is common on the Mainland but not in Taiwan. If you want to go back to check what you have looked-up before, just click the icon between Ã¥Å"‹è ªÅ¾Ã¨ ¾ å… ¸ and the cogwheels. Conclusion Overall, this dictionary easily beats any alternative when it comes to online information about traditional characters. The only drawback is that it isnt beginner friendly, but as a beginner, you can still find pronunciation and stroke order here. These are manually recorded, which means they are more reliable than any other online source. The example sentences arent perfect, but then again, there are no perfect dictionaries!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Writers Block
By Sword Of Pen/Writers Block Free Online Research Papers Growing up Chad was denied love in lieu of fear and terrorism. His life was severely affected by the way his parents treated him while growing up. He is over 40 now, but to this day he still has problems that relate back to his childhood. Subjected to emotional abuse in many different forms he lived through criticism, belittlement and being picked on. Chad was treated like an outcast in his own family. Differently from how his parents treated his siblings, they always letting him know, often in subtle ways, that he was not wanted in the family. Sometimes his father would gang up his siblings against him and they would all make fun of him. Emotions towards Chad were cold and disinterested. Growing up he was never hugged by his parents, or told that he was loved. An eon of thought can pass equal to a moment in time. Entering Chad’s story we see him deep in unending thought. Tormented and vulnerable he recalls the sinking feeling once felt within his family home. With a detached, fleeting retrospect his memory visits reminding him of a cold, snowy day as he slipped and fell down his grandmother’s ice filled steps. All pain fell from his mind, heart and body, while his spirit was removed. In this fall he realized he possessed no value and had no protection within his parents’ world. Unaware of Chad’s fall, his father held tightly onto his mother to protect her from the same decent. Wounded and scolded, Chad rose, bruised and bewildered, after sliding down three stories and landing on a pool of concrete. As a child, Chad was horribly neglected and abused, but without support he seldom allows himself to look back at his life’s circumstances. In this brief instant, he is reluctant to feel sorrow for that fright ened young boy. At six years old his heart was broken, while he came to the understanding, that he was alone and responsible for himself. â€Å"We are no more than a hiccup in time, a bleep, a bump, a blunder,†thought Chad as this memory was revisited. He was older now, in his teen years and felt wiser. He learned to live in retrospect. With intent for his own protection he ravenously soaked up all insight and knowledge while living protectively under cover in his so-called bubble. This bubble, created by Chad was the child of the recluse he would become and was now the adolescent predestined turtle still struggling from within. Chad’s first attempts at writing were as a teenager and he takes refuge within his thoughts for the first time. Chad Writes: A Brief Shot My layers have been cutaway. In this omitting, I have peeled away the distracting spaces of what was outside, to slowly reveal the inside. Creating a visual or tangible rendering of myself. This maybe a brief shot that gets interrupted, as I become frightened, distracted or discouraged. Until then I will depict related matter accordingly, in concurrency, and continuously as I collect and connect all within my grasp. Chad never found, a place to feel safe and grow. He lived without notice screaming like a cricket in the night. In time he weakened and wearily gave up. His early years left him without trust in others and impeded his external and emotional growth. Inactive he lived, while frantically swimming in his own emotions and duly encased dynamic and spinning thoughts. Only comforted, while writing down his feeling, his spirit incorporates a pained soul and lives in isolation and turmoil through day-to-day life. Chad writes: Caged Within my soul, liberation lies beyond the walls of my being and my dwellings. Unable to brake through, I am smothering slowly and painfully, within my existence. I act to be the one who is loved, by the one who stands before me. Leaving me weakened, tired and untruthful. Then I am angered, feeling empty and alone. Caged within my soul. Chad lived and fought through years of abuse. His father full of anger and outrage stood opposed to Chad’s strength of will, personality and shared hatred. This malice grew with obvious disdain and distrust. In hate for his son his father pushed and held a pillow over his face, while intuitively Chad played possum. â€Å"Die,†he whispered while crushing and grasping Chad by the neck. Muttering and cursing, his father slid a trash bag over his head, while forcibly placing his hand over Chad’s mouth. His boyish screams grew raspy and full of fear, as his father tightened his grip. Chad fought and fixed a steady punch and inevitably, he broke free. His wails were wild, like a wolf howling in the night, still no one heard a sound. Chad writes: A Child’s Cry if I lived my life again spent the time I had to spend would you close your eyes and leave me crying if you knew where I had been would you run away and then leave me standing all alone again would you listen to my heart could you mend a broken part would you open up you heart and let me in In these words I say to you can you understand them to can you free my mind and see within though the years have come and gone yet the feelings are still strong of a child left alone and crying Chad found refuge while writing and in his stories he was able to find resolve. As a young adult Chad’s issues, like bricks, felt like obstacles and eventually blocked stubbornly as they weighed heavily and demand his attention. Chad worked to move forward and as he processed past the age of twenty, he fought through many obstacles and battles. Laboring with written words and knowledge he compiled his thoughts and was determined to build shelter, not with straw or stick, but with the bricks that once confined him and that he had carried along the way. The source of power achieved from overcoming and writing about, some of his issues, became the bricks that now protected him. This safety, expressed now, unknowingly, will again, form a border and will no longer shield, or defend. These issues not completely transformed will change structure and once again restrict and entrap, as Chad is in constant repair. Writing in hope that one day others will read his insights, Chad believes his thoughts and ideas could comfort others as they did him. â€Å"Setting Claim,†is what Chad wrote and wished for himself. While believing, it informed others, of the pit-falls of living a naive, superficial life. Chad writes: Setting Claim I will no longer allow others to define who I am. I am now in control of my own ego. This allows me entrance to the gift of self possession and protects me from allowing those with character issues to delegate who I am. I will not again share nor relinquish this power in any attempt to conform. I am setting claim on what is mine. I painfully paid for and earned this possession for myself. Some look at others naively as they live a superficial life. Often there is a lack of experience, judgment, or information. Also it shows a simplistic view of nature or absence of genuine concern. This happens when we are concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious and having sight only for what is shallow, rather than actual. Many are eager to believe and see only the surface. Producing a lacking of awareness, knowledge, reasoning and depth. Consequently, as individuals conceive only appearance, not character, unfortunately, proceeds with ultimately living a naive, superficial life. While those trapped by others view of self are forced to live a life without the gift of self possession. Chad was in quest of his own self ownership and as he aged past the age of thirty, he continued to write and relate others pain to his own and by sword of pen he made associating insights in hope of solution. This was done by â€Å"plucking out,†as he called it, â€Å"distorted perceptions,†that people live in every day. â€Å"One less wild one,†Chad reveled, believing his insights were answering questions of his own wild unrestrained thoughts. He felt he now contributed to the world and that he had finally found purpose. Solving the equations of the â€Å"wild one’s†brought him peace. Chad was redeemed, born again and was joyful in a freshly discovered, sense of resolve. He basked in the glory of a new found determination and rejoiced in believing he now, produced proof, that he was indeed alive. Chad continues to write and share what he learns through his life. Still, he is unable to live freely and use his insight to his own benefit and breaks down. Chad writes: Break Down When there is no guilt, fear or capacity of happiness, there is no justice. The pain is passed on, and fear is obsolete. Therefore, with nothing to beware of, there are no boundaries. With no one being held responsible, there again is no justice. When we do not learn to break through our frustrations, we then break down, and join in with them. For instance, anger is a honest feeling. With out anger, we would not know when to stand strong for what we believe in. Yet without substance, anger will bring us back around, the growing circle of breaking down. Chad’s life reaches climax after relentlessly being bombarded by his own constant, culminating thoughts and revisiting issues. These issues, even-though solved on paper, continue to haunt in other dimensions. With thoughts hovering like poltergeists, he remains unattached and without the capacity to sort through and provide accommodations that they demand. Without condescension, Chad’s memories live outside his human comprehension, and appear distraught and dirtied by time, while looking for shelter and hauntingly, sputtering around him. An insanity grows, as he does the same things over and over again, expecting different results. Consequently, he is unable to give rest to his repeating thoughts, fears and concerns and he is led into narrative conclusion, without progression and is written within his own predetermined refuge of thought. Chad now lives with his realities, both real and written, blurred. In hope for a cure and for freedom from his own and others self-abs orption he persistently searches for truth and knowledge in the desire of learning something profound. Unaware of his condition, he is captured by predetermined conclusions and predestined to be a recluse. Chad writes: The Damned Isolation standing in demand. Feeling different says I am. With no control of who I am. I live my life to be damned. Prematurely aged, lethargic and typing, he is trapped within writers block and in his own twist of plot. His keys worn weak and his words obscured like the crickets screaming. His head hangs low and his fingers are cold and tightly wrapped around a cup of coffee, hope fades and in truth he sits within the walls of bricks built around him. Unpleasing to mind, this story ends as it began, fading out in disparaging deliberation. Chad is lost and deep within his own unending thoughts, unable to find or strike the key of balance, control, wisdom or solution. The End Research Papers on By Sword Of Pen/Writers BlockHip-Hop is ArtThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThe Spring and AutumnStandardized TestingComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThree Concepts of PsychodynamicThe Hockey Game19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era
Sunday, November 3, 2019
News Analysis Assignment-Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
News Analysis Assignment-Gay Marriage - Essay Example -sex couples, while the causes of the problem are the risks of supporting a controversial position during the campaign period and the responsibility of reducing prejudice against gay people through supporting their right to marriage. This news story assigned responsibility by underlining that Obama’s views on same-sex marriage evolved and became more open because of his interactions with same-sex couples. Obama said: â€Å"When I think about those soldiers or airmen or Marines or sailors ... [and other gay couples, I decided to change my views on gay marriage]†(Gast, 2012, par.38). His statement shows that because of his interactions with gay couples, he realized that they can be as dedicated to marriage and families as heterosexuals. Obama took responsibility for supporting gay marriage that is central to the gay community. The causes of the problem are the risks of supporting a controversial position during the campaign period and the duty of reducing prejudice against gay people in general through supporting their marriages. Tony Perkins thought that the president â€Å"...handed to Mitt Romney the one missing piece in his campaign†(Gast, 2012, par.19). Indeed, Obama is campaigning for a second term, and this opinion can risk him the support of conservative voters. Nevertheless, Obama is prepared to take the risk if it means taking the responsibility of reducing prejudice against gay people in general through supporting their marriages. He said: â€Å"...for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married†(Gast, 2012, par.38). His opinion underscores that gay couples are equal to heterosexual couples, so they should have the same legal marriage rights. With the context of the election, Obama’s support for gay marriage cuts both ways. On the one hand, he gains the votes of the LGTB community. On the other hand, he might lose the votes of conservative voters. Still, the article shows
Friday, November 1, 2019
Influence of African Art on European and American Art since 19th Research Paper
Influence of African Art on European and American Art since 19th century - Research Paper Example The main factor that makes the African art to be influential is the fact that most of the African artwork were designed during the colonial times and hence had direct impact on the European and American who were the major colonialist. Most of the African art were designed to expose the limitations imposed on the Africans by the colonialist. A study that was conducted by Salah that explored the twentieth century history and sociology of the western countries reveals that most of famous and creative artist comes from previously colonized territories, including Africa, London and Rome. This signifies the fact that Africans played a significant role in shaping the art industry both in Africa and western communities. The study states that the intellectual employed by African during production of its art is essential to understanding the global modernity. This is because most of the African art overlaps with that of the European counterparts. African artist employed different styles in the ir artwork. These include the Masquerade and masking traditions have a role of underlining the historical continuities with a pre-colonial past. The use of these forms of tradition compounded by creativity employed has made most of the African art to be among the most admired. It has encouraged the modernist from the entire continent to continually engage in African masking traditions. They masking and masquerade constitute the major forms of art of presenting a person. In order to fully discuss the reasons behind the superiority of African art, it is important to first explore the meaning of the term Africa (Sey 459). From artistic point of view, Africa is described as a complex intellectual construct that signify different opinions. Africa integrates certain cultural values, cultural features and values meant to depict Africa as a continent (Salah 472). One unique thing about Africa and art is that Africa went through a myriad of political and social changes. Africa is a continent with a lot of experiences in aspects such as slavery, colonialism and diasporization of African people and cultures. Because of all these experience, Africa is a complex continent. This is why most of the artistic activities made in Africa are outstandingly unique. They are normally carved out based on the cultures, experiences and the day to day encounters. This means that artwork is just a representation of social or political phenomena. In this context the African art are products of the historically complex encounters. One thing that should be notes as far as African art concerns the dynamic nature of the artwork (Salah 452). Social changes that are
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